St. Kitts And Nevis Receives 3000 Laptops From Taiwanese Government

Minister of Education Dr. Geoffery Hanly receives laptops from Ambassador His Excellency Michael Chou-Hong Lin

The Republic of China on Taiwan has provided St. Kitts and Nevis with 3000 laptops. The official handing over ceremony took place on March 10, with Ambassador His Excellency Michael Chou-Hong Lin ceremonially handing over one of the devices to Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Youth, Social Development, Gender Affairs, Aging, and Disabilities, Dr. Geoffrey Hanley.

The handover was testimony to the current Labour Administration’s intent to formally re-introduce the “One to One Laptop Programme,” very soon. The Administration has repeatedly pushed for technological access for students as a vital avenue for St. Kitts and Nevis to compete in the global academic circle. Government has also prioritized e-Education, through information and communication technologies, as the channel to accelerating the achieving of national educational goals.

According to Minister Hanley, 2000 of the laptops have been designated for St. Kitts while 1000 are reserved for Nevis.

The “One to One Lap Programme” was discontinued, in 2015, by the former government, amid claims of many logistical hiccups.

However, the present Administration has given the assurance that the revamped programme would feature significant improvements, to address previous problems.

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