Taboo Talk

About Taboo Talk

This column is dedicated to topics that are considered too sensitive, and often neglected or avoided in public spaces.

‘Taboo Talks’ sheds light on questions, issues, concerns, and real-life situations that are not openly discussed.

Nothing is TABOO for all people under all circumstances for all time

The Latest In Taboo Talk

Do tampons contain ‘alarming’ quantities of lead and arsenic?

Tampons, which are used by millions of women, may carry “alarming” amounts of toxic metals including lead, arsenic and cadmium, a study by academics in the United States has warned. The findings by a team of researchers led by Jenni A Shearston at the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley) are especially concerning because of the vagina’s greater capacity for absorbing chemicals compared with other parts of the body, experts said. The tampon was invented by Dr Earle Haas in the US in 1929. Five years later, Gertrude Tenderich bought the patent and founded the company Tampax, making the tampon commercially available. In…

Saharan dust strikes again

Another round of Saharan dust concentration is present in the Caribbean region.   The Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Service in an…

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