Program Launched To Actively Engage Senior Citizens

Sen. Isalean Phillip interacts with senior citizens

Government is continuing its commitment to enhance the dignity, independence and quality of life for senior citizens through the implementation of a Senior Citizens Day Program. The pilot program, which was launched yesterday, March 20, at the New Town Community Center, will ensure that senior citizens are engaged three days per week, Monday through Wednesday, in a number of activities geared toward their continued physical, mental and social development.

The East Basseterre, St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s communities are the three areas where the initiative has been launched. Other communities throughout St. Kitts and Nevis will be included as the program expands.  

Sessions will include kite-making classes to coincide with a proposed introduction of a Kite Flying Festival, by the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Aging and Disabilities. Senior citizens will also be engaged in discussions about their well-being, including interactions on eating habits, health, managing their finances and state of readiness in response to natural disasters.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister with responsibility for Aging and Disabilities, Hon. Geoffery Hanley, indicated that the program is necessary to foster interactions with senior citizens throughout our communities. He added that the care, maintenance and upkeep of senior citizens was among the priority values he learned from an early age, through his mother. He revealed that he envisions community centers becoming active circles to include senior citizens, which will add to

Junior Minister in the Ministry of Social Development, Gender Affairs, Aging and Disabilities, Senator Isalean Phillip, seconded the vision of the Deputy Prime Minister. She branded the initiative as one that allows senior citizens to be integrated into community activities, while being provided with the opportunity to reconnect with peers, to establish new friendships and to sharpen their state of mind.

Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew attended the launch of the program, to underscore the prioritization of the initiative within his administration.

The sessions will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the designated days.

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