Dr. William Connor Wins RAMS Primary School Athletic Championship

DWCP wins RAMS Championship

The Dr. William Connor Primary School (DWCP) is the Champion of the 2023 edition of the RAMS Primary School Championship, which was held over the period April 1 and 2.

Athletes from the DWCP won thirteen gold medals. This was in addition to thirteen silver medals and 4 and four bronze.

This year’s edition was the first since 2019, when the Dieppe Bay Primary won the Championship. Prior to that, the DWCP won 2016, 2017 and 2018.

The St. Paul’s Primary School was in a close second with eleven gold medals, in their tally of twenty-one medals, inclusive of five silver and five bronze.

The Tucker Clarke Primary School was third with nine gold medals.

Three schools, Dieppe Bay Primary, Saddler’s Primary and Joshua Obadiah, tallied three gold medals.

Twenty schools competed in this year’s Championship.

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