KSAMC continues transformation of downtown Kingston

The Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) has entered into the second phase of its strategic development plan for downtown Kingston, which will see greater focus being placed on public spaces and parks, tree planting and sustainable development.

The Mayor of Kingston, Senator Delroy Williams, CD has shared that the municipality has several key projects and environmental initiatives operating
simultaneously including the Maverley Park rehabilitation, the St William Grant Park upgrade, the Duhaney Park expansion, and the latest addition being the Church Street Planting Project.

“We have installed planter boxes along Church Street and some 98 trees will be planted along the corridor from the intersection of Barry Street heading towards Tower Street,” Williams stated in a release.

The trees will include Bougainvillea, Silver Buttonwood, Texas Sage, Blue Mahoe, Cassia and Poui trees. Outlining the need to plant more trees in an attempt to cool the City and provide greater shade, the mayor outlined that the municipality has taken great care in considering the type of trees used and the areas in which the project will be implemented.

“This next phase forms part of a greater plan we have for the space which over time will be expanded. The city has changed before our very eyes and we have shown that we have the capacity and creativity to do this. We will continue to listen to the people and meet their demands for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly Kingston,” he added.

The Council has shared that murals and other forms of art will be incorporated into the Church Street Tree Planting project and other public spaces across the city.

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