Heatwave advisory issued following more record high temperatures

After registering more record high temperatures of 31.8 degrees C (89.24° F) on Saturday and 32.4 degrees C (90.32° F) on Sunday, the Ministry of Health, the Meteorological Office and the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) have jointly issued a heat advisory for St. Kitts and Nevis. 

According to the Meteorological Office, this scorching trend is expected to continue well into the summer months. 

As a result, the public is being advised to take every precaution to guard against heat related illnesses and even death. The public is also being encouraged to pay special attention to ensuring that the elderly, children and other vulnerable groups who may be more susceptible to the effects of extreme high temperatures. 

In the joint advisory issued on 20th May, 2024, the following tips were provided:

  • Stay indoors as much as possible especially between 10am and 3pm

  • If you must be outside wear appropriate protective gear like a hat and appropriate sunscreen 

  • Adequate hydration 

  • Persons who provide care to older adults should ensure that their environment is well ventilated and cool during the daytime and night time and that the receive adequate amount of water

  • Wear light and loose-fitting clothing 

  • Limit physical activity and exercise to cooler hours of the day 

  • Take cool showers 

  • Schedule cooking times for cooler hours of the day 

  • Check in on older more vulnerable friends and neighbours  

  • Monitor the weather forecast and temperatures daily and schedule activities for the coolest hours of the day.

A forecast issued by the Barbados-based Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (CariCOF) predicted in its most recent Heat Outlook that May – July 2024 would register unusually high temperatures across the Caribbean.

On 4th February, 1996, the highest temperature on record for St. Kitts of 43 °C (109°F) was registered at the Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport. 

A decade later on 6th August, 2016 Nevis registered a record high of 39 °C (102°F) at the Vance Amory International Airport.


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