PM Drew lobbies for climate action at SIDS4 side-line events

While attending the International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) event in Antigua and Barbuda, Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew is also participating in several side-line events.

On Tuesday, Dr. Drew participated in a one such engagement which focused on small island states’ access to funding to deal with the challenges presented by climate change.

The discussion, held under the theme Re-aligning Climate Finance: Accelerating Equal Access and Inclusion, was hosted by the Caribbean Women in Leadership (CIWiL).

Prime Minister Dr. Drew was joined on the panel by Antigua and Barbuda’s Minister of Social Transformation, Human Resource Development, Youth and Gender Affairs Samantha Marshall; Vice President (Ag.) of the Caribbean Development Bank, Therese Turner-Jones; Director, Caribbean Office of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Diane Quarless, and the President of CIWiL, Nana Oye Hesse-Bayne.

Addressing climate change’s far-reaching impact on lives, livelihoods and the environment, Prime Minister Dr. Drew said robust education and awareness activities are required at all levels of society to increase action. 

“We have to make sure at every stage there is a connection from the grassroots level upwards, otherwise we are not going anywhere,” he remarked.

Dr. Drew also shared his administration’s vision of transforming St. Kitts and Nevis into a model sustainable island state and said that an “all-of-society” approach would be critical if this ambitious goal is to be achieved.

“Every sector [in government], the private, community groups and even down to football groups need to be sensitised as to what the Sustainable Island State Agenda is so that all their actions can actually be geared towards helping to achieve what we are seeking to achieve in sustainability in a practical way,” said Prime Minister Drew.


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