Foreign Affairs Minister Douglas rejects MSR lawsuit allegations against him as “malicious”, says “justice will prevail”

Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas is vigorously fighting back against allegations made against him by Philippe Martinez and his MSR group of companies of corruption and illegal practices related to the St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment programme (CBI). 

Martinez has named several individuals including former prime minister Dr. Timothy Harris and former Citizenship by Investment Unit boss, Les Khan in the suit filed with the United States District Court Middle District of Florida Tampa Division. 

Among other things the suit alleges that CBI shares were illegally undersold. 

A Claim for Judicial Review has also been filed in the High Court of St. Kitts and Nevis against the Minister of National Security. As Prime Minister Drew explained at his recent press event, the case has nothing to do with any act committed by the Minister in his personal capacity.

Foreign Minister Douglas, however, says his naming in the lawsuit is a thinly veiled attempt to blemish his legacy of service to his people and country that he will not accept lying down.

“The Civil Claim filed against me makes very serious allegations in my personal capacity as well as in my capacity as Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Federal Government of St. Kitts and Nevis. I categorically deny the allegations that have been levelled against me, all of which are ridiculously false accusations made by the Plaintiffs in the Claim. The document is riddled with hearsay. These allegations are baseless, malicious, and are deliberate attacks intending to destroy my reputation, character, and legacy,” said Dr. Douglas in a statement issued on Monday.

Dr. Douglas said over his thirty-five years of parliamentary service, which included near two decades at the country’s helm as prime minister, he has maintained the “highest standards of integrity and transparency”.

“I am proud of the record of achievements of the Government that I led from 1995-2015 and the work we did to transform the Citizenship by Investment Programme into one of inclusion. The Programme, modernized by the Government I led is single handedly responsible for the socioeconomic fortunes of our beautiful country over the last two decades. This is an unchallengeable fact.” said the former prime minister. 

“Should it become necessary I have every confidence that given the opportunity to put the plaintiffs to proof on these sinister allegations in a Court of law they will prove to be untrue and my name will be vindicated,” Dr. Douglas concluded.


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