PM Drew debunks opposition claims taxpayers foot his wife’s travel as CBI tour continues

Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew has rejected the claims of his political opponents that his wife, Diani Prince-Drew’s travel expenses when she accompanies him are paid for with tax payer dollars. 

Since his marriage earlier this year, Dr. Drew has often been accompanied by his wife while abroad on official business. On Wednesday morning, however, while on the Turkish leg of his latest international Citizenship by Investment (CBI) investment tour, the prime minister set the record straight regarding expenses related to her travels with him. 

“The lies and misinformation about my wife’s travel have been brought to my attention,” Drew said in a post on his official Facebook page. “Let me say that the desperate political operatives are trying to deceive the people and they have now resorted to concocting blatant lies. This trip comes at no expense to the government, though I am working on behalf of the people and country to enhance our CBI that was badly managed by Unity.”

As part of this investment tour,  Prime Minister Drew participated in an investment forum on Tuesday evening in  Istanbul, Türkiye, formerly known as the Republic of Turkey.

“Various options for investment in St. Kitts and Nevis were discussed, while the Indigo Hotel was the featured opportunity,” said Dr. Drew. “I will continue to work to strengthen and improve the governance of our CBI programme.”

Ahead of his trip to Türkiye, Dr. Drew stopped in the United States for a meeting with Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Ambassador Brian Nichols at the United States Department of State in Washington D.C.

“We discussed a number of matters of common interest to both our countries. Our meeting was timely in this age of polycrisis, and is a follow up to our earlier meeting held in Antigua during the SIDS4 Conference,” said Dr. Drew of his meeting on 7th June.

Prime Minister Drew returns to the country this week as on Friday he is expected to present three new Bills to the National Assembly for their first readings.

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