Jab Jab Official ranks Sugar Mas among top 3 in the Caribbean

The St. Kitts Nevis National Carnival, s Sugar Mas, has been ranked among the top three carnivals in the Caribbean by Jab Jab Official.

According to a statement from the secretariat of minister with responsibility for the Culture, Samal Duggins, “This prestigious recognition underscores the vibrancy, creativity, and cultural richness that make our carnival an unparalleled experience.”

Noting his pride in the recognition the festival has received, Minister Duggins added, “Being ranked in the top three is a remarkable accomplishment that reflects the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in making our carnival a spectacular success year after year. It is a celebration of our heritage, our community, and the unyielding spirit of our people. If this isn’t enough of a sign that ‘there’s only one place to be – Sugar Mas 53,’ then I don’t know what is!”

A statement from Minister Duggins’ Communications Officer, Azariah Vanterpool continued, “The ranking by Jab Jab Official, highlights the distinctive features that set Sugar Mas apart from other carnivals. The rich tapestry of events includes vibrant parades, colourful costumes, infectious music, and traditional folklore. Participants and spectators are treated to an immersive cultural experience that showcases the best of St. Kitts and Nevis.

The carnival is more than just a celebration; it’s a reflection of our island’s identity and history. The lively atmosphere, coupled with the warmth and hospitality of our people, creates an environment where everyone feels welcome. From the J’ouvert Morning to Grand Parade, every moment of Sugar Mas is designed to engage, entertain, and enchant.” 

The Jab Jab Official ranking can be viewed at https://www.instagram.com/p/C79sTThMUvh/?igsh=NHNrYzVkYmhrMHFx.

Meanwhile, the full lineup of this year’s Sugar Mas 53 events will be released to the public on 17th June,2024.

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