Fisherfolk to benefit from Department of Marine Resources’ Basic Fisher Training Course

The Department of Marine Resources launched its Basic Fisher Training Course earlier today.

The course is designed to develop the necessary competencies and skills in local fishers, while equipping them with a basic understanding of the adverse effects of unsustainable fishing practices and climate change, according to department officials.

Additional topics to be discussed include skill development, food security and safety and legal and regulatory requirements that pertain to the sector.

The 8th and 9th July sessions are being held in Cotton Ground while the 10th July session will be held at the Barnes Ghaut Community Centre. These sessions will cater to participants on Nevis.

The St. Kitts training sessions run from 15th to 17th July at Frigate Bay Beach on the first two days. The final session will take place at the Newtown Community Centre.

This initiative is in line with a renewed thrust by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine Resources et al., to significantly reduce the Federation’s food import bill and to explore viable channels for economic diversification within the industry. By fostering sustainable fishing practices and enhancing the skills of our fishermen, the ministry aims to build a more resilient and self-sufficient fishing sector.

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