Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Ageing And Disabilities launches three new seniors’ day centres

The Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Ageing and Disabilities has successfully launched three new Seniors’ Day Centres in Tabernacle, Lodge, and Sandy Point. 

The ceremony marking the launch of the centres was held on 16th July at the Lighthouse Baptist Church in Sandy Point.

Minister of State with responsibility for Youth Empowerment, Ageing, and Disabilities, Isalean Phillip, expressed her enthusiasm over the expansion of the Seniors’ Day Programme. During her brief remarks she emphasised the government’s commitment to senior citizens and highlighted the leadership of the Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew and Senior Minister of Youth Empowerment, Ageing, and Disabilities, Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Geoffrey Hanley.

“The expansion of this programme is really a demonstration of the commitment that this administration has, under the leadership of the Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew and Deputy Prime Minister, the Honourable Dr. Geoffrey Hanley, who are both very much caring in terms of when it comes to our seniors, and they are very serious about making sure that we put things in place to ensure that all of us, especially you, in your golden years, are ageing actively, well and with dignity,” said Senator Phillip.

The minister of state noted that the centres were placed in communities to provide a space for seniors to socialise, gain information, and stay connected with their representatives and government ministers.

The Seniors’ Day Programme was initially launched in St. Pauls, Newtown, and St. Peter’s on 20th March, 2023. It operates in East Basseterre on Monday, St. Peter’s on Tuesday and St. Paul’s on Wednesday from 9 am to 2 pm. While there, seniors participate in activities including discussions on proper foot care for diabetics, healthy eating, financial management and disaster preparedness.

“I am really pleased to know that you are enjoying it and you’re capitalising on all of the opportunities that are finally here,” Phillip added.

She also expressed satisfaction with the programme’s expansion and the positive feedback received from participants.

Senator Phillip extended her gratitude to the organisers and stakeholders who played a crucial role in ensuring the centres’ successful launch.

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