NEOC stages successful hurricane preparedness and response simulation exercise

As the above-normal 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season rolls on, the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) undertook a three-day National Hurricane Preparedness and Response Simulation Exercise from 17th – 19th July, to assess St. Kitts and Nevis’  response systems in the event of a hurricane.

This important simulation exercise was initiated following the request of Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew, who is also the Executive Director of the National Emergency Operations Centre.

The exercise centred around the scenario of the potential impact of a fictional Hurricane Ingrid to the Federation, commencing with a pre-strike meeting at National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Headquarters on 17th July.

Prime Minister Drew actively participated in the first two days of the exercise as he considers preparedness critical in mitigating challenges and risks during times of emergencies. The prime minister noted further that an exercise of this nature also helps to determine if additional financial resources are needed to improve the nation’s readiness.

The simulation culminated on 19th July, with the chairs of the various NEOC sub-committees providing assessments on the extent of damages to different sectors and projections for the resumption of services.  

Immediately after, Cabinet ministers and NEOC officials made on-site visits to three locations severely impacted by the simulated storm. This included the Irish Town Bay Road where extensive flooding resulted in significant sand deposit onto the road; a residential area in Cayon where land slippage occurred, and at Stone Fort where crews were busy at work clearing fallen trees and debris that rendered the road impassable.

The three-day simulation exercise was deemed successful by NEOC officials as it provided invaluable insights on the Federation’s readiness and response systems, and highlighted areas where improvements are needed in the bid to keep citizens safe and informed during times of disasters.

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