PM Drew highlights advances in agriculture; commends Minister Duggins

Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew has praised Minister of Agriculture, Samal Duggins, for his proactive and hands-on approach in addressing significant challenges within the agricultural sector. 

Speaking on the radio programme Issues,  Dr. Drew highlighted the successful execution of key interventions aimed at alleviating the negative impact of drought conditions and enhancing food production, both of which are crucial steps toward reducing the country’s food import bill and achieving sustainability.

Under Minister Duggins’ leadership, the Ministry of Agriculture has launched the Drought Resilience Irrigation Project (DRIP), which was designed to support local farmers by providing them with essential resources such as water tanks, irrigation lines and farm matting. 

To date, over 400 farmers have benefited from DRIP. 

The initiative also offers access to hundreds of thousands of banana and plantain slips which are intended to enhance crop diversity and resilience.

In addition to DRIP, Prime Minister Drew celebrated the recent commissioning of the government operated poultry hatchery which, along with local farmers’ output, has put the Federation in a position where its egg production is sufficient to meet the local demand. 

This achievement represents a significant step in reducing dependency on imported agricultural products.

Dr. Drew acknowledged that while some agricultural products will still need to be imported, the goal remains to minimise the revenue expended on imports while promoting self-sufficiency within the nation. 

Both Prime Minister Drew and Minister Duggins have been vocal advocates for families in St. Kitts and Nevis to engage in subsistence farming and have encouraged the practice as a means of enhancing food security and community resilience.

As the government continues to prioritise sustainable agricultural practices, Prime Minister Drew has encouraged Minister Duggins to maintain his proactive stance as he furthers efforts to bolster the sector and support the nation’s goals for sustainability and self-reliance.

Photo: Locally cultivated pepper plants protected by matting.

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