Plans underway to stage national consultation on crime and violence 

The Ministry of National Security will shortly stage a national consultation on crime and violence. The disclosure was made earlier this week by Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew who is responsible for national security. 

The consultations will bring together officials from the government, law enforcement, civil society and non-governmental organisations, however young people, and others with vital contributions to make will also participate in the conversation. Dr. Drew noted that the public’s participation will be critical to helping guide the government’s strategies to combat crime.

According to the prime minister, the consultation is a key element in his government’s comprehensive, “all of society” approach to addressing crime in St. Kitts and Nevis.

Dr. Drew also disclosed that the findings of a scientific study carried out by a task force led by consultant psychiatrist, Dr. Izben Williams, will be revealed during the consultation. The study examined crime and violence from a public health perspective and placed emphasis on identifying the root causes of the issue.

“We have invested a lot and it is time now, with all of the studies we have done and all the information we have…to now consult and determine the direction which we are going,” said Prime Minister Drew.

During his media appearance he also appealed to young people to use non-violent means to resolve conflict and to opt for career paths and opportunities outside of crime.

“There are so many other things that our young people could be doing. There are sports, robotics, and the Orange Economy [where] youths can take advantage of the opportunities that are available,” said Dr. Drew.

While a date for the consultations have not yet been announced, Dr. Drew indicated this information will be provided in the days ahead.

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