Gov’t seeks partnership with the public on creating a comprehensive response to crime, violence

Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew says his administration is committed to reducing crime and violence by implementing various strategies including what has been coined the “all of society” approach. 

Addressing the National Assembly recently, Prime Minister Dr. Drew said stakeholders, including faith-based organisations and the business community, are now being engaged with the goal of ensuring that they are an integral part of the government’s multi-sectoral response to crime.

“We are going to bring all of society together: government, opposition, those who are secular, those who are religious, those who are in sports and whatever other fields you are found in. We want you to be a part of this all-of-society approach.” 

Dr. Drew also confirmed that the government will stage a National Consultation on Crime and Violence on 22nd August which will further engage the public on the plague of crime affecting the nation.

He also disclosed that his administration will introduce a new agency whose focus will be citizen security.

“The reason why we are dealing with it this way is because we believe that the solutions have to stretch over generations, the solutions have to be comprehensive and respond to the realities…and we know that within the people there are always solutions,” the prime minister said. 

Understanding that there is a link between violence and mental health issues, the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis is also expanding its mental health programme. On 30th July the Dr. Terrance Drew administration and the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) signed an agreement for the domestic launch of the Mental Health Service System Enhancement Project.

According to a government statement, the Mental Health Service System Enhancement Project will expand the services and accessibility of mental health services in the country “by reducing the gaps in the prevention, screening, early detection and treatment of mental health disorders.”

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