PM Drew confident holistic approach will help suppress crime; Former PM Harris a no show at consultation

Minister of National Security, Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew, has expressed confidence in a community driven approach to suppress the ongoing crime wave in St. Kitts and Nevis. 

This sentiment was shared during the crime forum last Friday that brought together stakeholders to discuss viable solutions to crime and violence. 

This event was the precursor to the upcoming 90-Day Campaign Against Crime and Violence, an initiative advanced by Prime Minister Drew which promotes addressing crime through a public health lens.

Notably absent from last week’s forum was former prime minister, Dr. Timothy Harris. 

Harris, who leads the minority opposition People’s Labour Party (PLP), has been extremely vocal about the need for a holistic community approach to achieving peace. His stance on crime drew further attention to his absence from the national consultation. 

Despite Dr. Harris’ absence, representatives from all other political organisations in the Federation were present.

Dr. Harris has loudly criticised the Drew administration’s handling of crime and violence. He has also claimed credit for his administration successfully reducing homicides between 2019 and 2022 due to the implementation of the Alternative Lifestyle Pathway Programme, commonly known as the Peace Programme.

According to Harris, the Peace Programme aimed to engage at risk and marginalised individuals in structured, legitimate activities.

Prime Minister Drew, however, highlighted significant flaws in the way the Peace Programme was run by Dr. Harris, particularly with respect to its lack of accountability. 

Prime Minister Drew revealed that the programme’s management was highly centralised, with Lenworth Harris, the brother of former Prime Minister Harris, allegedly controlling most aspects of the programme, including its finances. 

Dr. Drew also disclosed that the programme’s allocated annual budget of EC$10 million, was exceeded in six months by June, with monthly costs ballooning to over EC$2 million. 

Concerns were further raised about the allocation of funds, as many participants reportedly did not receive the financial support intended for them.

Moreover, the number of beneficiaries of the Peace Programme increased dramatically in 2022, from 600 to approximately 1,300 between June and August.

To address these issues, Dr. Drew’s administration has implemented corrective measures aimed at making the restructured programme more transparent. The revised programme offers participants opportunities to advance themselves through avenues including increased access to education and small business opportunities. 

Prime Minister Drew also gave the assurance that his government remains committed to ensuring no one is left without support as he emphasised the importance of social security and alternative opportunities for those involved in the programme.

The 90-day campaign will include community and family oriented activities designed to promote unity, resilience, and support within neighbourhoods and families with the goal of strengthening social bonds and fostering a culture of peace. 

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