PM Drews launches counter crime and violence initiative

Minister of National Security, Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew, launched the preliminary exercises of the Key Stakeholders Engagement on Citizen Security on 23rd August, underscoring the urgent need for decisive, coordinated, and sustained actions against crime and violence in St. Kitts and Nevis. 

The stakeholder consultations were held at the CUNA Caribbean Conference Center. 

The initiative is the precursor to a 90-day campaign aimed at reducing crime while fostering a society rooted in moral values and principles.

In his address, Prime Minister Drew invoked the nation’s cherished values of peace and harmony, as highlighted in the opening bars of the national anthem. He emphasised that true peace is not just the absence of conflict, but a state of security and freedom from fear. Drew said this is currently at risk due to rising crime and violence.

Speaking with a sense of urgency and personal commitment, the prime minister shared his own fears as a father, acknowledging the anxiety that crime creates in the wider community.

The minister of National Security called for a united effort across all sectors of society, including civil organisations and religious groups, to address the root causes of crime. He highlighted his government’s dedication to this cause, noting significant investments in national security. These include enhanced training and resource allocation for the Police Force, and the modernisation of all arms of the Security Forces through improved technology and surveillance systems.

The prime minister appealed for a holistic, public health approach to crime prevention, an approach that has been discussed in regional forums including CARICOM. He described violence as a societal disease that requires interventions that address underlying issues such as education, mental health, and community engagement.

The establishment of a new Department of Citizen Security is a strategic move to implement this comprehensive approach effectively.

Prime Minister Drew also emphasised St. Kitts and Nevis’ efforts to enhance border security through partnerships with countries including the United States and the United Kingdom.

He concluded his presentation with a strong call to action in which he urged parents, educators, business leaders, and faith-based organisations to take an active role in creating a safer environment.

The government’s initiatives, such as the new National Drug Policy and the forthcoming construction of an Outreach Centre, are highlighted as critical steps in addressing substance abuse and its connection to crime and violence.

The Stakeholders’ Engagement reflects the government’s commitment to building a more secure and principle driven society  through a collective community approach.

Photo: Minister of National Security, Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew

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