St. Kitts and Nevis signs MoUs to boost industrial and economic activity

Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Economic Development and Investment, the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas, reaffirmed the Labour Party administration’s dedication to enhancing economic activity at the Caleb Azariah Paul Southwell Industrial Park. 

During an 22nd August press briefing, Dr. Douglas highlighted outcomes from his recent official visit to the Republic of India as head of a high level delegation.

Dr. Douglas announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with India aimed at revitalising the textiles industry, with the goal of establishing at least one major textile factory in St. Kitts and Nevis. This initiative is part of broader efforts to replace businesses like the St. Kitts Brush Company, which is slated to close in three months, leaving about 50 employees jobless. Dr. Douglas emphasised the ministry’s urgency in attracting new companies to mitigate the impact of such closures.

In addition to India, Dr. Douglas revealed initial talks with a textile company from Pakistan, which is considering shifting production to St. Kitts and Nevis due to energy issues in Pakistan. Another company from Cyprus, involved in manufacturing electrical components, has shown interest in operating in St. Kitts and Nevis through the Citizenship By Investment (CBI) Programme.

During the India trip, multiple MoUs and agreements were signed to explore cooperation in various sectors, including tourism, agriculture, sport, information technology, border patrol, digital economy, and pharmaceuticals, signalling a comprehensive approach to national development.

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