Government moving decisively to arrest gang culture

Minister of National Security, Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew, has revealed that a study conducted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) between 2022 and 2023, suggests that gangs have become a concerning issue in St. Kitts and Nevis. 

The study highlighted the pervasive nature of gang culture within the Federation but indicated that with the right initiatives, the issue can be mitigated.

Ahead of the 6th September, 2024 launch of the government’s 90-Day Campaign Against Crime from A Public Health Perspective, Dr. Drew expressed confidence that a holistic, community centred approach can remedy the challenges posed by gangs. 

He emphasised that his government has adopted a multifaceted strategy, which includes the 90-day Citizen Security Campaign. This initiative is designed to engage all stakeholders in developing a plan to combat violent crime with the goal of creating a positive, long lasting social impact.

Dr. Drew also noted his government’s comprehensive approach to tackling crime and violence as a public health issue. It involves data-driven decision making which has been supported by the engagement of 20 trained family counsellors who will work in various social programmes, and the recruitment of additional mental health professionals.

Additionally, the full implementation of the National Drug Policy and the provision of psychological assistance for individuals facing mental health challenges are integral components of the strategy.

The soon to be launched Department of Citizen Security will spearhead the government’s coordinated response to addressing the root causes of crime, with  emphasis on countering the influence of gang culture which often promotes drug use, gun violence and other crimes. 

Dr. Drew expressed confidence that the people of St. Kitts and Nevis will work in partnership with his administration to dismantle gang culture.

The findings of the USAID study will be presented this Friday during the launch of the 90-Day campaign and first National Consultation on Citizen Security. 

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