PM Drew elated over continued transformation of the CBI

Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew has reiterated that the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme in St. Kitts and Nevis has undergone a significant transformation aimed at enhancing its accountability and transparency. 

Speaking recently, Dr. Drew, the country’s Minister of Finance, confirmed that as of 28th June, the CBI programme had transitioned from direct government oversight and has now become an independent statutory corporation. This change is part of a broader effort to solidify the programme’s reputation as being among the leading international citizenship programmes.

Dr. Drew highlighted that the process of recruiting for 29 key positions within the newly established corporation is ongoing. Interviews are expected to conclude by the end of September. 

He revealed that more than 800 applications were received to fill these positions which underscores the programme’s strong reputation and the confidence it inspires.

The prime minister also addressed concerns related to the potential exploitation of the CBI programme, noting that specific interventions have been implemented to safeguard the programme’s integrity and uphold its core values.

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