SKN to host Indoor Air Quality discussions amid rising climate concerns

The government of St. Kitts and Nevis will host a landmark National Dialogue on Indoor Air Quality on 23rd October, 2024, at the St. Kitts Marriott Resort Ballroom. The event will gather experts and key stakeholders from government, industry, public health, academia, and the broader community to discuss the critical issue of indoor air quality and explore solutions to ensure safe and sustainable indoor environments.

Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew emphasised the urgency of the dialogue, citing concerns about the potential increase in mould growth due to rising temperatures linked to climate change. 

A recently corrected domestic high-profile case of compromised air quality fueled by climate change was that of the Cayon High School.

“This is one of the consequences of climate change, and so we have deemed it extremely necessary to put a task force together to make sure that the environment in St. Kitts and Nevis is safe for our people,” Dr. Drew said.

The national dialogue will feature keynote addresses, expert panel discussions, and interactive sessions focused on identifying indoor air quality challenges, highlighting at-risk populations and developing actionable recommendations for policy-making.

Topics will include the role of building codes and construction standards in maintaining air quality; public health implications, particularly how poor air quality affects vulnerable populations; and prevention and mitigation strategies for issues such as mould and Sick Building Syndrome.

Additionally, the forum will discuss integrating indoor air quality considerations into the Federation’s Sustainable Island State Agenda.

To address indoor air quality concerns, the Labour Party administration has formed a specialised task force, which includes Permanent Secretaries from the Ministries of Sustainable Development, Public Works, and Education. The task force will also feature representatives from the St. Kitts and Nevis Bureau of Standards and other experts in the field. Their mandate will be to ensure the safety of indoor environments across the nation and to guide policy development based on the dialogue’s outcomes.

This inaugural event underscores the government’s commitment to tackling environmental and public health challenges through a multi-sectoral approach. By involving stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, the dialogue aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of indoor air quality issues and develop practical strategies for improvement.

The government anticipates that the recommendations and action plans resulting from this national dialogue will contribute significantly to safeguarding the health of residents and support the country’s broader efforts to address climate change impacts.

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