Government of St. Kitts and Nevis’ Community Conversations Receive Overwhelming Public Support

The Federal Government of St. Kitts and Nevis’ ongoing efforts to address crime and violence made a significant impact in Trinity recently, as representatives of the Citizen Security Secretariat met with residents for a dynamic citizen security session. Hosted at the Bronte Welsh Primary School, the Community Conversation, focused on tackling issues of crime, was hailed as a tremendous success by both government officials and participants alike.

The event, part of the government’s 90-Day Campaign Against Crime and Violence, was facilitated by Alicia Collins, a family counselor, and Shelton Benjamin, a Community Development Officer. Both played a pivotal role in facilitating the evening’s discussions, which focused on youth delinquency and strategies to improve safety and security in the Trinity area.

Due to the overwhelming turnout, participants were divided into smaller groups, ensuring that everyone had the opportunity to contribute to the discussion. This format encouraged more intimate and fruitful exchanges on critical topics, allowing for more diverse opinions and a deeper exploration of potential solutions.

Each group was asked to respond to five central questions:

  1. What are the main causes of youth delinquency?
  2. What are some solutions to these problems?
  3. What are the barriers to these solutions?
  4. Who are the most active groups in the Trinity community?
  5. What ideas or events would you like to see implemented in the Trinity community?

The questions sparked thoughtful and open discussions, as attendees shared their insights and concerns.

Participants also shared a range of ideas and initiatives they believed could strengthen the fight against crime and promote greater community cohesion, including more youth-centered activities, mentorship programmes, and public safety workshops.

The Trinity Community Conversation marked another successful step in the Federal Government’s 90-Day Campaign Against Crime and Violene, which seeks to curb the rise of crime and violence across St. Kitts and Nevis through community engagement and collaborative problem-solving. Both Ms. Collins and Mr. Benjamin emphasised the importance of such grassroots discussions, noting that real change comes from the active participation and voices of the people.

As the campaign continues, the government is partnering with community groups across the nation to host additional Community Conversations with a view to fostering a unified approach to citizen security and ensuring that everyone plays a role in building a safer, more peaceful St. Kitts and Nevis.

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