i visited a parallel universe

Apparently it's just now making the rounds in America. I had heard of people talking about parallel universes, but I had never heard of similar parallel timeline experiences or abductions. Were going to go to the roof. I immediately got excited. I just had to sit back on my bed and lay down for a moment to digest and process what the heck had just happened to me. I figured that was one reason why, if Nicolas was some type of android person, Peter only came in sometimes to run sessions and experiments with me because these people didnt have to go to their jobs 9-5 like we do. What if we could somehow change important episodes in our past? The multiverse refers to the entire collection of parallel realities, unknown worlds, and different dimensions, beyond the realm of human observation. It seemed that this top secret hoarding of information, knowledge, and technology, the development of the term conspiracy theory, and the growth of the Military Industrial Complex did not happen in Nicolas timeline. I didnt want to be a robot android! The tag was a digital tag, but it was very light weight and felt like fabric. They actually seems "angels", also called been from the astral dimension (same universe as our one, but different dimension). Inside this bowl was what looked like puffed O cereal. I wanted to ask him what the message meant so I looked back at Nicolas, still standing over by the fuzzy glass window. These drinks were all the colors of what I knew of as processed food. The colors were too bright to be natural, but were colored to correlate with flavor, maybe artificial flavor. The closest thing I know of to describe these colors are the colors of the popsicle brand, Otter Pop. I had been going to a holistic, metaphysical school just before 2012, so I had an explanation that 2012 would be the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of a new world, perhaps Shamballah or the evolution of people and their consciousness/spirituality. There were a few of these girls in the group. Could I go closer to the edge and look at the city? I also half expected to get some kind of punk attitude from these skater boys when I asked them, What city am I in? They perked up and got all smiles when they said, Anaheim. We had to speak up loudly because there was a lot of bustle and noise from the street in the area on the roof where this was. In ancient China, dreams were treated as the way through which one can visit the dead people's world. It was about that similar size too, and it had a handle with a scoop shape on the end, but the scoop was upside down. They didnt look like airplanes or round disc flying saucers. I just stumbled upon the YouTube video and listened with great interest. That would never work. The sense in the room I felt was that she was too young to die, but she was dying and they were trying to save her. They looked yellowish, but also glassy like they were reflecting light and yellow wasnt their actual color. However, belief in it has lingered throughout history and has even made its way to modern day entertainment. However, in Nicolas timeline this person I know of to be Corey Goode was known in open common knowledge. By now it was about 3am and I was getting fed up with devil computer, but I put it back to sleep one last time. Then immediately after We dont have that kind of shady deception here, I wanted to know how all of this could be possible. Here I was, I had just been to a parallel timeline, and I had to get back to my normal life, working like a slave for 60 hours per week, just to make some money that didnt even exist for my friend Nicolas. I scanned the skyline to see if there were any prominent landmarks or buildings I could recognize or if the city looked familiar to me at all. She seemed responsive, but she didnt say anything. Did he mean stay in this one spot where we had appeared after teleporting where there were no people from the public? I fell back to duck her blow. Abducted may have negative connotations, but I use it in a positive way to just describe being taken because alien abduction is the closest thing I have to relate this experience to. I looked up after falling down the tunnel, and the last thing I saw was the other Allison looking over the edge of her bed. In physics, the concept of a multiverse is a key element of a leading area of study based on the theory of everything. I figured the closer we were to Washington DC, the sooner his government or supervisors would find out that something was going amiss with my visit here. Although the Orion Alliance seems to be negative (militaristic, domineering, conquering, enslavement of peoples and their consciousness), they too have some important role to play in our spiritual evolution. I got out of the hospital bed, but when I looked back, the bed looked like a normal bed in a conventional bedroom. Tickets for "Short Attention Span Theatre: Parallel Universes" are available at redbarntheatre.com or by calling the Red Barn box office at 305-296-9911. In order to achieve this, the message from the Blue Avians of the Sphere Being Alliance, which Goode has contact with, says we ought to be more loving and forgiving of ourselves and others and be in greater service to others. Maybe I was just north of Anaheim or in the northern part of the city. Several researchers believe that the concept of the multiverse is impossible to prove. My parents say the school sent them a letter notifying them they were going to give me these logic based tests and then sent them another letter saying I got high marks on the tests but I wasnt what they were looking for. There was no specific mention in the letters of what type of school or special program they would have sent me to had I passed the tests. Nicolas seemed to think that the negativity left behind by the Draco/Archon/Orion group was also important for spiritual growth and awakening, even though it could have also been the reason why we didnt all jump into ascension right in 2012. What do you mean by the ones I leaked? One of Corey Goodes benevolent messages is that we, the peoples of Earth, need to come together in unity, set aside our differences of perspective and belief, admit we dont know everything about everything, and work together towards full disclosure so we can have an improved lifestyle, all the technology our corporate governmental military elite is hording from us, and the liberation of our peoples and our consciousness. We were in his foreign strange land after all. I had not noticed this tag yet during my current visit, but I knew somehow that it was connected to my own consciousness or timeline. It was like there were wheel covers on these skateboards wheels, but they were like fancy sports car skateboards. She was laying in the bed with a light blanket over her. I dont know why, but it is humorous to me, now that I write this document, that Nicolas used this analogy. They had the color and texture of jeans, but it looked like fabric that had a bit of a shimmer, like a fabric digital screen. Maybe these were digital jeans, like muffins tag, and they could be whatever color and texture a person wanted. Wonderful! The screen came on again on my computer! Then I wanted to know if David Wilcock and Corey Goode were in his timeline because they were more in the present than the past. Nicolas said that David Wilcock is a prominent spiritual physicist who helps Corey Goode interpret his briefings {from the Sphere Being Alliance} and Corey Goode is an important ambassador to/for the Sphere Being Alliance. Duh, it seemed like they did very similar, if not the same things, in both of our timelines. As Einstein once wrote, The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.. I looked back at them, wondering why theyd done this, but they were acting like they were trying to pretend nothing had happened. Everyone knew because they already knew that ET was real. I had learned from Cosmic Disclosure that transhumanism had taken over other solar systems and galaxies and wiped out biological life. The monkey was the size of a large cat or small dog. Imagine sitting in your living room, he told me, listening to the radio. This seemed to be a gender and race attempt to see what might appeal to me. The title of the show was Deeper Into Our Fractionalized Universe and was all about the fractal shape of our entire universe, the shape of the largest galaxy down to the smallest atom. All this information was GREAT, but I still wanted to know what city this facility was in. I didnt know how it worked, but I suddenly felt like there actually was the hope of returning home. The boy furthest in the back said, North and the boy closest to me said Anaheim and then the state name. I told Nicolas I wasnt going to drink anything {at least not any of those gross processed tasting drinks theyd left in my room} and I didnt want to go back to sleep. Mix well. By now I had practically forgotten about the fact that I thought I may have been abducted by aliens because we were not on a space ship. Id had that explanation from BridgET. You couldnt just go to your neighbor and tell them about your visit there because they would think that country doesnt even exist so I felt like I had to recall every single detail. These train cars looked to be the same color and texture of the landscape, as if someone was trying to camouflage the train somehow. This was when 1,500 Natzi German top scientists, physicists, and technicians surrendered to the US after World War II. Step 1: set the dry coco peat soil in a small container and add 27 drops of water. Corey Goode says these were German flying saucers flying over in some kind of threat to the US Government. The truth about extra terrestrials and flying saucers. I found it interesting that Nicolas called them UFOs to describe them before the disclosure, and he called them flying saucers to describe them after the disclosure. I had no idea how this was all possible. [+] It's an incredible notion: that there's a Universe out there for every outcome that . The only way I can describe this thing is that it seemed like a bowl fit perfectly for a babys body, a baby bowl. By this time also, Nicolas was finding the mental interaction quite tedious, since he didnt really think all the gritty details about who is who in each others timelines mattered much anyway. Keep in mind it had only been within a few seconds that this mental conversation took place. Unfortunately, depending on the nature of disclosure it could also make it easy for the MIC to cover it up again and cover their tracks because we have lots of technology, they have lots of technology. Its like when someone dies and you dont want to talk about it but you desperately do. The children were in the room to my left, and now I looked over to the right. I wondered what the technology used to suck me out of my timeline had to do with electronics and my computer. This thing looked like a piece of technology, but the only thing I have to relate it to was a drone. Afterall, who wants Back to the Future in 2015 messing up the beautiful blue sky? (After my experience I thought, This girl must have been left handed.). This wooden box looked like it had been painted or stained to be very dark reddish brown. Nicolas did not specify whether or not it had been the president who had done this, but when my consciousness wondered about the president, Nicolas said, Eisenhower was our last president elect.. In ancient times, Egyptians also assumed the only people with special powers can decipher the meaning of a dream. It is almost laughable for Nicolas to see what is happening in my timeline. I went to bed at a reasonable time of about 10:30pm and figured I would wake up at 8am or so the next morning and go to work at the preschool like I always do. I reached down to pick up a device. Maybe one of the reasons ascension didnt happen when we all expected it to in 2012 is because this negativity still exists in our solar system and on our planet. Something is going on in our solar system and on our planet, but I wasnt sure if Nicolas meant mine or his. String theory smooths out the . It would be like taking a bunch of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders and putting them into an underperforming 3rd grade class in hopes that more 3rd graders graduate at the end of the year. He seemed to be trying to convey that our timelines follow a similar trajectory, even though they look very different. Again, it was like a mental/consciousness conversation that Nicolas and I had there on the roof for no more than a few seconds, but now you can see why telepathy is much more efficient than talking or text. One morning within the past year from October 2016, I woke up to find that the time on the watch on my wrist was three hours behind the iPod sitting next to my bed. The very first thing that came up was Wikipedia. Some of them, most of them actually, were taller than me at teenager or adult size so I wondered if something had happened to me in my timeline to stunt my growth by just a few inches. It was like it didnt matter because they were both the same, even our time was the same somehow. Step 2: push the seed into the soil and think of your ideal/perfect person. As best as I can sum it up, David Wilcocks work has to do with the physics of spirituality and Corey Goode is very instrumental at relaying how the issue of extra terrestrials fits into our human global history, what is still going on today in our society, and how this effects our every day lives. Nicolas said with his words, Youre going to be fine. Somehow I remembered him too, so I lost consciousness and went back to sleep feeling safe. This is where our two spheres of thought pointedly diverge. It was as if the undertone of his mental sentence was, these entities you know of as David Wilcock and Corey Goode{have these very important roles to play for humanity}.. I tried to lighten things up for them and their jobs, perhaps joke around a bit. Anaheim is in California, and I was like, Oh, California, not Carolina! I must have looked like such a doofus to those boys on the roof when I thought it was North Carolina. I noticed that a lot of the buildings at my vantage point were smaller than the building I was on. She wasnt fat, she was just more endowed as a woman, but I thought, I hope I dont get fat in my timeline.. Im really not going to drink those now. They seemed so mean, secretive, deceptive, and sly. I am a heterosexual female, but they must have known that, in my timeline, some females are attracted to females. I found it strange that it was difficult for me to even judge my own age of these Mes from other timelines. He said, 1980/81 to 1985.. I said to her, Oh, you must be me as an older person. I hesitated a bit with my words just before I said older person, because I almost said old lady, but then I didnt want to be rude. Hardcover, 384 pages. Haldane, reality is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose. I tried to convince them not to give over to the AI virus and transhumanism. A three day stay seemed unusual for me, well it was a time between afternoon/evening to a full day and now this morning. I knew I needed to go over to the train and look into the first train car since that was the open car with the cloth draped over the lid. I sat on the floor and Peter and Nicolas commented on how good the incense smelled. What could be so challenging that this man, often hailed as one of the greatest scientists of all time, could not complete this work? This is the reason people who have had alien abduction experiences often dont remember them after they have returned. Sleep was more important to me because I worked so much and I knew that people who had alien abduction experiences didnt usually remember it in the morning anyway. It wasnt going to be as helpful for them so they had gotten some extra tasks. I knew these kids were just going to wake up from this experience like it was a dream, even though it wasnt, so it didnt matter that they were scared. Nicolas went on to say that the knowledge and nature of the ascension event is public common knowledge in his timeline. I realized that the old lady me understood what I was saying when I asked for a hug, so she could speak English. She had large black almond shaped eyes, and it made sense that it was a little more dimly lit in this operating room than it had been in my regular hospital room. I was now wearing my normal white hospital clothes. But I woke up again, back in the hospital, the very same darn hospital!!! As I recall, the photo caption noted that among the stacks of material was an unfinished manuscript. I didnt think much more about this experience and I tried to get back to my regular life until Thanksgiving 2016. I could even draw the floor plan for this room that I was in. I briefly noticed when I turned toward him, that we were on the roof of this hospital, but there was clearly a lot of activity going on here. I discounted it because I was looking for the name of the hospital, which wasnt on this sign. I was going to eat it anyway. I held the monkey with my left arm, as you would an upright baby, while I opened the lid to a wooden box at the side of my bed with my right hand. I was trying to tell it I didnt want it to scan my head too! As I was hugging her, I noticed she was also a few inches taller than I am and her body was a bit more plump or womanly. However, in Nicolas timeline, shortly after 1952 or shortly after this famous UFO sighting event, someone from the American Government told the American people the truth about extra terrestrials and flying saucers. I remembered I had heard of or read something that electronics often behaved unusually when people had alien abductions, and this wasnt an alien abduction, but maybe the technology used was similar. I was still laughing. I knew this monkey had been sent into my room to provide comfort and companionship. Back in my hospital room Muffin was on the bed. By this time it was like they were just doing their jobs, going down the list of types of people, just to see if I had any hidden arousal and attraction buttons they didnt already know about. The sign looked the same even when I blinked or briefly looked back at Nicolas. As far as I could consciously remember, I did not have alien abduction experiences or issues associated with suppressed subconscious alien abduction experience like nightmares, phobias, etc. This sign for the public was in English! He had used it as a metaphor so I could see how positive things in his timeline seem to be negative ones in my timeline. For example, you may notice that your cat and its reflection are behaving in a different way in a photo you've just taken. As I approached the bed, an African American woman sat up in the bed. I too follow cosmic disclosure and although I havent read the books yet, I too, am a wanderer as according to the law of one. You wont say anything about it unless someone brings it up, but youll tell your co-workers and anyone else if you feel like something similar comes up in conversation and you think theyll listen. It was explained to me that if I passed the tests I would get to go to a special school for gifted children, but they only gave me two or three sessions of these tests. The virtual bedroom shut down and I lost consciousness with it. By the time I was done I had 10 pages of chicken scratch that probably only I could read. I felt the same feeling like you do when you are in public with your friends, you do something that embarrasses them and they say, we cant take you anywhere.. I didnt even get to write down the telepathic message, but I knew it was all in my head. Nicolas was standing beside me, but he urgently asked me, Do you know what is going to happen next?

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