National Museum Exhibition Features GG and Female politicians

Exhibits at the National Museum

The St. Christopher National Trust is presently featuring an exhibition that coincides with the International Month of Women. The exhibit takes viewers on a historical walk, celebrating some of the most prominent women in the political sphere of St. Kitts and Nevis.

The exhibition was launched on March 15 and is branded as a ‘teaser historical walk’ which highlights all the former Governors and/or Governors General of St. Christopher and Nevis. This walk culminates with St. Kitts and Nevis’ only female, and current, Governor General Her Excellency Dame Marcella Liburd GCMG, JP. Fittingly, Her Excellency was among the dignitaries present at the launch of the exhibition at the National Museum.

Additionally, the display also features the current female Ministers of Government the Hon. Marsha Henderson, Senator the Hon. Dr. Joyelle Clarke and the Hon. Isalean Phillip. It also pays homage to the Speaker of the National Assembly the Hon. Lanein Blanchette.

Executive Director of the St. Christopher National Trust, Etsu Bradshaw- Caines, disclosed that the display is part of an overall vision to increase visits to the National Museum, improve on the visitor experience and to offer accessibility to all, including persons with disabilities.

She also revealed that visitors can expect to see an expansion of the items on display, to include other female politicians, who would have laid the foundations for those today.

The Executive Director also expressed appreciation to all partners who have contributed to the success of the exhibition. These include the Republic of China on Taiwan to St. Kitts and Nevis and the St. Kitts Crafthouse.

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