Green Energy The Focus At Energy Career Fair For Students

Students at the Energy Fair

Tertiary level students from throughout St. Kitts and Nevis are now more familiar with an array of professional fields and opportunities within the energy sector. This is a result of an Energy Career Fair, with the operative theme “Preparing for the Green Economy,” that was organized by the Energy Unit of the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis.

The objectives of the Energy Fair were to provide a realistic picture of the workplaces in the energy sector, to help students make the connection between their curricula and the workplaces in the energy sector, to assist students to stay informed of available energy-related career opportunities and to serve as a networking event for students and energy professionals.

Six presenters from the private sector, Government, utilities and regional organizations, representing the policy, planning, technical, environmental, information technology, and legal perspectives of the energy sector, engaged the students in discussions. The facilitators were Trevil Baker, an ICT specialist from SKELEC; Kurlyn Merchant, an attorney-at-law and energy law expert from Nevis; Dr. Wayne Archibald, a lecturer at the UWI Mona Campus and Renewable Energy entrepreneur specializing in professional certifications; Alphonso O’Garro, an energy efficiency professional and energy auditor; Meshach Alford, an environmental consultant; and Cherri-Ann Farquharson, a Capacity Building and Gender expert from the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE).

The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis is committed to building a green economy that will create high-paying jobs for citizens, according to Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Public Infrastructure et al., Darryl Lloyd. This has motivated the Energy Unit within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure et al, to host

“This has motivated the Energy Unit within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Energy and Utilities, Domestic Transport to host a number of workshops and initiatives geared towards preparing our citizens for future prospects of the green economy,” Permanent Secretary Lloyd stated.

Students from the Advanced Vocational Education Centre (AVEC), and the Arts, Science and General Studies (A.S.G.S.) and Technical, Vocational, Education and Management Studies (T.V.E.M.S.) Divisions of the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College and the Nevis Sixth Form College participated in the Energy Career Fair.  

The Energy Fair was held at the CUNA Caribbean Conference Centre, on March 16.

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