PM Drew on Back-to-School Voucher: “It is $250 per child and not $250 per household”

Basseterre, St. Kitts, (SKN SOURCE) – The fault in the system for the Back-to-School Voucher Initiative registration gateway has been rectified, according to Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew.

“There was a glitch in terms of the IT solutions to this matter. That matter has been resolved. It is $250 per child and not $250 per household so maybe a day or two ago when you applied and you entered three children’s names, you will receive a voucher for just one child. We have resolved that,” he said. 

While the initiative was designed specifically for pupils attending public elementary and secondary schools in St. Kitts and Nevis, the government would also consider students attending private learning institutions. From August 24 until September 29, 2023, applications will be accepted. Parents and/or guardians are encouraged to apply online at

“With respect to private schools, it is on a needs basis that they can apply. That is done through the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the school as well. 

As I said earlier, the preschools get a subvention from the government. The subvention used to be $25 and we have now increased that to $50 so any child who is in preschool or daycare, will benefit from the subvention if they are in a private school,” Prime Minister Dr. Drew added. 

The application form can only be filled out by the custodial parent or guardian, who is the parent or guardian who has primary physical custody and care of the child or children. A picture of the front cover of any government-issued identity card, such as Social Security, Voter’s ID, driver’s license, or passport, must be uploaded by the parent/guardian. 

The Ministry of Education verifies the child’s or children’s enrolment, thus applicants must submit the name used to register the child at their particular school. The Voucher can only be used to buy approved school materials such school uniforms (trousers, shirts, skirts, blouses, jumpers, ties and crests), textbooks from the ministry/school generated book list, school bags (with or without wheels) and so on. 

The Back-to-School Voucher Initiative is being presented to commemorate our 40th anniversary of independence.

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