Forensic Audit Reveals Millions Missing from Development Bank, PM Drew Accuses former PM Harris of misleading the nation.

Basseterre, St. Kitts (SKNSOURCE) Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew is accusing former
Prime Minister, Dr. Timothy Harris, of deceiving the nation and engaging in widespread
embezzlement and corruption. The Prime Minister’s claims follow a forensic audit that revealed
the mishandling of over $20 million at the Development Bank, funds that have gone unaccounted
The Development Bank’s auditing was purposefully stopped in 2018 to hide their hide fraudulent
activities, Prime Minister Dr. Drew disclosed. A devastating set of activities performed by the
bank’s previous Chief Executive Officer, who is the brother of former Prime Minister Dr. Harris,
showing a flagrant waste of funds, were revealed by the inquiry that was skillfully carried out by
the MNP LLP, a prominent Canadian chartered accountancy firm.
The audit was conducted from September to December of 2022.
“The last audit of the Development Bank was 2018…so the reason why audits were stopped is
because…this what I am about to read is the type of structure you use so that money can go in all
sorts of different ways and go unaccounted for”, the Prime Minister said.
The Prime Minister disclosed that hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of cheques were
issued in the name of an unnamed person, cashed at another bank, and then returned to the
Development Bank where board members counted and assorted the money.
The PM’s shocking revelations continued by stating, “Page 120 of the report reads in 2019 all
wages and in some cases, advances were paid by cash. The bank issued cheques payable to a
person’s name. However, we understand that he was not aware that any cheque was issued in his
name, rather, he would come to the bank to pick up grocery bags of cash every week for the
duration of the period that he was involved in this particular program. The cash was
accompanied by a sheet of paper with those who the money must got to”.
The former administration’s corruption scandal underscores the need for transparency and
accountability in fiscal management, highlighting the mismanagement of public funds.
The Prime Minister’s firm stance against corruption demonstrates an unwavering commitment to
upholding the principles of transparency and accountability.

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