Hasani McDonald is SKNYPA’s New President, Says Association is Committed to “amplifying youth engagement” 

Basseterre, St. Kitts (SKNSOURCE) — The St. Kitts National Youth Parliament Association (SKNYPA), whose new president is Mr. Hasani McDonald, states that the association will put a special emphasis on “amplifying youth engagement and active participation in the process of nation-building.”

(L-R) Immediate Past President Mr. Mauriel Knight and President-elect Mr. Hasani McDonald at Sunday’s AGM

Mr. McDonald made those remarks on Friday (September 29) in an interview with SKNSOURCE. 

He added: “This will be an extension of the commendable groundwork laid by our predecessors, and we’re committed to further fortifying that foundation.”

When asked about the response to his election as the head of SKNYPA, Mr. McDonald replied, “the outpouring of positivity has been both humbling and inspiring. I’ve received numerous personal messages expressing congratulations and support. 

Additionally, members from fellow regional youth parliament associations, which share diplomatic ties with SKNYPA, have extended their best wishes for my upcoming tenure.”

An ardent supporter of youth empowerment, Mr. McDonald, a lawyer, said his election to the presidency of SKNYPA comes after years of active participation on various committees in the organisation, even while he was a student at Jamaica’s Norman Manley Law School. He declared, “I accepted the nomination for the position of president because I believed it was the opportune moment for me to step into this role.

“I therefore believe that I bring a substantial reservoir of experience and a broad perspective on youth advocacy, as well as a strong commitment to championing equality and justice in nation building.”

SKNYPA held its Annual General Meeting on Sunday, September 24, 2023, which also saw the election of Mr. Jalen Monzac as Vice President; Ms. Trosonya Douglas as General Secretary; Mr. Vikell Edwards-Douglas as Treasurer and Ms. Malyka Howell as Public Relations Officer. The electoral process was supervised by Chairman of the Electoral Council, Mr. Dennis Knight and two honorary members Mr. Sam Condor and Mr. Dwyer Astaphan.

(L-R) Treasurer Mr. Vikell Edwards-Douglas; Vice President Mr. Jalen Monzac; President Mr. Hasani McDonald; General Secretary Ms. Trosonya Douglas; and Public Relations Officer Ms. Malyka Howell at Sunday’s AGM

The AGM was held under the theme “Energized at 22: Leading the Way for Our Nation’s Youth.”

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