SKN Prime Minister to Lead Delegation at Canada-CARICOM Summit, Focusing on Strong Partnerships for a Resilient Future

Basseterre, St. Kitts (SKNSOURCE) — Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew and a distinguished entourage are scheduled to attend the Canada-CARICOM Summit in honour of the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) 50th anniversary.

The summit, themed “Strategic Partners for a Resilient Future,” will showcase Canada’s longstanding and robust connections with the Caribbean region. The event is scheduled to take place from October 17 to 19, 2023, in Ottawa, Canada’s capital city.

“I am honored to participate in the Canada-CARICOM Summit, a significant event that reaffirms Canada’s commitment to strengthening its relationships with CARICOM member states. In fact, Saint Kitts and Nevis has held strong diplomatic ties with Canada since 1983,” Dr. Drew said.

“This summit provides an excellent opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and collaborations on critical issues such as trade, climate change, and regional stability. I look forward to productive conversations with our CARICOM partners and am optimistic about the positive outcomes that will benefit our nations and the world,” he added.

This summit aims to provide a platform for leaders to discuss cooperation in key areas such as climate change, trade, security, and sustainable development.

The Canada-CARICOM Summit will feature various sessions and roundtable discussions where leaders and stakeholders will explore avenues for collaboration. Topics on the agenda include climate resilience, renewable energy, strengthening trade, enhancing security cooperation, and promoting sustainable tourism.

Foreign Affairs Minister Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas, CARICOM Ambassador His Excellency Larry Vaughan, Foreign Officer Mr. Samuel Berridge, and Press Secretary to the Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis Mrs. Adelcia Connor-Ferlance make up the Prime Minister’s delegation.

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