Dr. Drew Urges Transformation Into Sustainable Island State To Tackle Polycrisis

Basseterre, St. Kitts (SKNSOURCE) – Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Terrance Drew has urged a fundamental change into a Sustainable Island State in the face of escalating polycrisis.

The Prime Minister said that embracing the Sustainable Island State model gives the Federation the best chance to survive. He added that the above-mentioned model can effectively address a breadth of challenges including climate change, healthcare, education, food, and water.

“What I want people to understand is that the sustainable island state model gives us the best opportunity to survive as a country. It addresses issues of climate change, it addresses issues of how we live as a people, it addresses the issues that we deal with on a daily basis, from healthcare, education, jobs, economy, food, water, energy,” Dr. Drew said in his recent edition of Issues. 

The polycrisis, already burdening nations worldwide, has taken an even more troubling turn, with the emergence of a new war in the Middle East. Dr. Drew identifies this development as further evidence of the growing impact of the polycrisis on global stability and emphasizes the urgent need for action.

“The polycrisis is affecting us more, as a new war has now developed in the Middle East,” the Prime Minister added.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Drew urges citizens to rally together and actively contribute to establishing the Sustainable Island State.

“I am asking our people to really join in……in helping to establish the Sustainable Island State. Let’s start by conservation…..conservation of water, conservation of energy….. Let’s start by producing less waste. Let’s start by being very innovative, finding our own local solutions to deal with the changes that are happening,” PM Drew said.

Dr. Drew’s call for citizens to actively participate in establishing the Sustainable Island State underlines the urgent and collective effort required to address the complex web of crises afflicting the Federation. By joining forces and embracing sustainable solutions, individuals can contribute to securing a better future for themselves and subsequent generations.

The Sustainable Island State model offers an opportunity for the Federation to not only survive, but also thrive in the face of the polycrisis.

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