Prime Minister Drew Meets with Newly Elected Speaker of the House, Hon. Greg Fergus, to Strengthen Bilateral Ties between St Kitts and Canada

Greg Fergus Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada Courtesy Call with the Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis / Président de la Chambre des Communes du Canada Visite de courtoisie avec le Premier Ministre de Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis Ottawa, ONTARIO, Canada on 17 October, 2023. © HOC-CDC, 2023 Credit: Bernard Thibodeau, House of Commons Photo Services

Basseterre, St. Kitts (SKNSOURCE) In a significant milestone for both St Kitts and Canada, Prime Minister, Dr. Hon Terrance Drew, recently met with the newly elected Speaker of the House of Commons, Hon. Greg Fergus.

The primary focus of their meeting was to identify opportunities for closer bilateral ties between the two nations.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Drew expressed sincere gratitude for Canada’s recent decision to grant a partial visa waiver for St Kitts. This development holds immense importance for the St Kitts population as it will foster more robust people-to-people connections, facilitate trade, and promote tourism between the two countries. The visa waiver is expected to strengthen economic and cultural ties, benefiting both nations in various sectors.

Additionally, Prime Minister Drew took the opportunity to congratulate Speaker Greg Fergus on his historic appointment as the first black Speaker of the House of Commons in Canada.

The meeting between Prime Minister Drew and Speaker Fergus served as a platform to discuss key areas of mutual interest, including trade, investment, education, and tourism. The leaders acknowledged the potential for enhanced bilateral cooperation and explored ways to further strengthen the existing ties between St Kitts and Canada.

Education was also a prominent topic of the meeting. The leaders highlighted the importance of promoting educational exchanges and partnerships.

The meeting between Prime Minister Drew and Speaker Fergus underlines the importance of diplomacy and collaboration in addressing shared challenges and seizing opportunities for growth. It serves as an affirmation of the enduring friendship between St Kitts and Canada, emphasizing the commitment to deepen bilateral relations.

To express his gratitude, Prime Minister Drew bestowed upon the Speaker a special token of appreciation. He presented a beautifully framed photograph captured by renowned artist Professor Tau Battice. The image encapsulates the unwavering spirit and remarkable resilience of the Federation.

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