Entrepreneurs of Small Businesses Receive Booster Grants of EC$5,000

Basseterre, St. Kitts (SKNSOURCE) – The Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship gave each qualified entrepreneur a booster grant worth EC$5,000 in an effort to help and strengthen the small-business sector.

Minister with responsibility for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Hon. Samal Duggins, the driving force behind this initiative, urged entrepreneurs to achieve success in their respective businesses so as to warrant continued support from the government. 

“I also want you to make it easier for the next set of small businesses because the more you show success, the easier it is to get more of these and do more of them,” he said.

Minister Duggins addressed the entrepreneurs and acknowledged the difficulties in obtaining the capital needed for their project. One specific challenge mentioned was figuring out the right award amount, since some people were worried that beneficiaries might not have anything to show for the money they were given.

“In trying to acquire money to do this, one of the things we were challenged with was the idea of how much would have been given to small businesses and very little to show for it and I want us to prove them wrong this time.” the Minister said.

In response to these concerns, Minister Duggins encouraged the entrepreneurs to prove the naysayers wrong. By showcasing their determination, innovation, and resilience, entrepreneurs can solidify the case for continued investment and support from the government.

The booster grants aim to serve as a financial lifeline for small business owners, providing them with the necessary resources to innovate, expand, and adapt to the changing economic landscape. These funds can be utilized for various purposes, such as purchasing essential equipment and enhancing marketing strategies.

Entrepreneurs who have received the booster grants are urged to meticulously manage the funds, ensuring they are utilized for maximum impact. 

The booster grants aim to empower small business owners to overcome challenges, innovate, and propel their ventures towards success. Minister Duggin’s call to prove the naysayers wrong serves as a rallying cry for entrepreneurs to demonstrate the true potential and impact of their businesses.

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