The Bahamas takes charge of OAS Permanent Council

The Bahamas has assumed the Chairmanship of the Permanent Council of the Organisation of American States (OAS).

Permanent Representative of The Bahamas to the OAS, Chet Neymour, will hold the position from April 1 to June 30, 2024.

The Bahamas takes over from Argentina. The Chair of the Permanent Council rotates every three months among the member states in alphabetical order.

At yesterday’s handing over ceremony, Neymour said: “Today, as The Bahamas takes the mantle of leadership, we reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism, to the OAS, and hold firm in our belief that the Permanent Council of this Organisation is the Board of Directors.”

“As such,” he continued, “it is incumbent upon this council to act accordingly with deliberation and with a clear strategy and collective resolve.”

Foreign Minister Frederick Mitchel celebrated The Bahamas’ occupation of the chairman’s office.

“The Bahamas takes great pride in assuming the chairmanship of Permanent Council of the OAS for the next three months,” Mitchel said.

“During the Bahamas’ chairmanship, we will prioritise the following. First the promotion of climate action through discussing and advancing actionable mandates on disaster risk reduction, integrated water management, public sector capacity building and climate smart skills training. Secondly, reform of the international financial architecture through facilitating dialogue on challenges facing member states such as access to adequate and affordable development finance.”

The Bahamas will also push for the OAS to work with the international community to bring security and stability to Haiti.

He commended Argentina and Guyana for their tenure as chair and vice chair.

The Caribbean region will have dual representation on the OAS’ top-brass as Permanent Representative of Grenada, Tarlie Francis, will serve as Vice Chair from April to June.

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