SKN prepares for partial solar eclipse

While millions in some parts of Mexico, the United States of America and Canada will be able to see the 8th April, 2024 total solar eclipse, St. Kitts and Nevis, and other Caribbean islands will only experience a partial view.

Astronomers have predicted that the partial solar eclipse will reach maximum visibility of 2.19 percent in St. Kitts at 2:57 PM and 1.93 percent visibility in Nevis a minute later at 2:58pm.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and Sun, temporarily obscuring the view of the Sun.

Those members of the public who wish to see the rare celestial event are urged to do so safely, however, as looking at the Sun directly can cause serious and even permanent damage to the eyes.

Sunglasses, X-ray film, coloured film, smoked glass and other do-it-yourself methods should never be used to look at the Sun. Even a few seconds gazing at the Sun using these methods can burn the eyes’ delicate retinas causing complications as severe as blindness.

Specially designed glasses are sold which can be used to safely view an eclipse. Projection methods including the use of telescopes, binoculars or the “pinhole” method can also be employed to view a solar eclipse.

Several websites will also stream the event live.

According to “Eclipse glasses must be used whenever the disk of the Sun itself can be seen. This means:

All the time during a partial eclipse

All the time during an annular eclipse—this includes the brief moments of annularity, when the Sun forms a dazzling ‘ring of fire’ around the Moon

During the partial phases of a total eclipse

“In the brief moments of totality during a total solar eclipse, the Sun is completely covered, and the ghostly solar corona becomes visible around the Moon.

“For these few moments, eclipse viewers can be safely removed. In fact, if you don’t take off your eye protection, you won’t be able to see the solar corona.”

While there will be three total lunar eclipses visible in the Caribbean over the next several years – 14th March, 2025 being the next – another solar eclipse will not be visible in region until the annular or “ring of fire” eclipse on 5th January, 2038 followed by a total solar eclipse on 12th August, 2045.

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