CARICOM condemns raid on Mexico’s Embassy in Ecuador

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has condemned the raid of Mexico’s embassy in Ecuador by police on Friday who were in search of former Vice President Jorge Glas.

In a statement on Sunday, CARICOM said the raid was a violation of the Vienna Convention which “codifies the inviolability of diplomatic missions and consular offices.”

“CARICOM is therefore deeply concerned that the Republic of Ecuador has recently taken actions that have violated the premises of the Embassy of Mexico in Quito,” CARICOM said.

“We anticipate that both states will seek to resolve the matter through dialogue and access to relevant multilateral process with a view to ensuring that our Region remains one of peace.”

Glas was arrested on late on Friday by Ecuadoran police as they tried to force him to appear in court to answer corruption charges.

The 54-year-old had sought refuge in Mexico’s Embassy in Ecuador’s capital, Quito on December 17, 2023 after he accused the government of political prosecution.

Glas, who is accused of mismanaging funds meant for the earthquake reconstruction efforts, was granted political asylum by the Mexican government a few hours before police raided the embassy.

Mexico has cut ties with Ecuador following Glas’ arrest.

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