SKNLP leader Dr. Terrance Drew outlines his administration’s achievements

The St. Kitts and Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) shifted its pre-Labour Day activities into high gear when the first of a series of political meetings. 

Last night, the organisation’s political supporters and friends gathered in Constituency 6 which is marshalled by MP Dr. Denzil Douglas.

During his presentation, the SKNLP’s political leader, Dr. Terrance Drew drove home the message that historically, the federation has always prospered significantly under a Labour government. He added that the party also has a well founded reputation of working to serve all Kittitians and Nevisians, not just its supporters.

“Labour is the best option always for St. Kitts and Nevis. There’s no better option for St. Kitts and Nevis,” Dr. Drew told the masses who were gathered as he thanked them for their continued support. 

Prime Minister Drew also addressed opposition criticism regarding the travel itineraries of members of his cabinet, noting that the trips have always been productive and yielded results for the people of St. Kitts and Nevis.

“Tell them when we travel, we work abroad. When we go, we don’t take no picture with no camel and on no beach with no glasses,” he said taking a jab at a former senior minister in the former Dr. Timothy Harris-led administration. “We take pictures with leaders and investors, telling them to invest in St. Kitts and Nevis. So we work abroad on your  behalf.

“When we travel we want hospitals, we want hotels, we want renewable energy. We want St. Kitts and Nevis to develop,” he declared.

He also pointed to the fruitful travels of tourism minister, Marsha Henderson, who successfully negotiated the return of JetBlue and increased flights for the federation with American Airlines.

Deputy Prime Minister Geoffrey Hanley was lauded for his swift action to reintroduce the One to One laptop programme, which provides high schoolers with a personal computer, and ensuring that elementary schoolers receive tablets to aid their learning.

Minister of Utilities, Konris Maynard was praised for his efforts to increase the production of water in order to reduce the hardship of he rationing that was implemented as a result of reduced rainfall.

Drilling of the Cayon well was finally completed and Dr. Drew recently confirmed that the water has been confirmed to be potable. This new water source will help to increase the water supply in the rural areas surrounding Cayon. 

Ground was also broken in March this year for the construction of a multimillion gallon desalination plant near Canada Beach.

Samal Duggins, minister with responsibility for agriculture and small businesses was also recognised for the successful outcomes of his trips abroad. He was able to source agricultural support and secure the import of crops for use by local farmers.

“You hear how much banana slips he bring in? 400,000! Man you ain’t going need anything else after that that call starch. You could eat bananas for breakfast, lunch and dinner, of high quality and gi de bread a break. [Eat] healthier!” the SKNLP leader said.

He also addressed achievements in healthcare, which he holds ministerial responsibility for. 

“We have created full scholarships for the nurses to become specialists…and a number of them have travelled already, because we decided we wanted specialists in ER (emergency room), in the ICU (intensive care unit), on the wards, in the community and already a number of nurses are benefitting from these full scholarships.

“In the college, we have started a pre-nursing course. So if you not qualified yet to enter into the full nursing programme, you can take the pre-nursing course, get your subjects up, and after that you can enter into the nursing programme, become a full nurse and then apply for the scholarship to become a specialist nurse, right here in St. Kitts and Nevis,” Dr. Drew said.

The next scheduled meeting is due to take place on 2nd May, 2024 in Constituency 8. The final pre-Labour Day meeting is scheduled for 5th May in Constituency 2.

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