Competition launched to find Independence 41 theme

A competition has been launched which invites the public to participate in selecting this year’s independence theme. 

According to the notice,” the theme must be concise, memorable, and reflective of the journey of St. Kitts and Nevis over the past 41 years of independence” and “encapsulate the essence of the nation’s history, current realities, and aspirations for the future that all citizens can strive towards”. 

Entries should consist of a phrase, clause, or short sentence, no longer than six to eight words and multiple entries can be submitted.

The participant whose theme is successful will be awarded EC$1000.00. They will also be called upon to participate in some of the events held during this year’s independence celebrations.

Entries are being welcomed from both citizens and residents of St. Kitts and Nevis. All submissions must be made by 24th May, 2024.

To enter, interested persons can complete the two page online form which can be found at

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