PM Drew: Gun amnesty gives those on wrong path a chance to start “anew”

Minister of National Security, Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew, believes the fifteen day long gun amnestythat is now underway offers the perfect opportunity for people who have chosen a life of crime to reset and restart their lives. 

According to Drew, while the recent increase in the penalties attached to gun crimes may seem severe, his administration’s sole goal is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all citizens, residents and visitors. Therefore, as a caring government, his administration saw the wisdom in offering those who may have gone astray another chance at a fresh start.

“I deeply care about these young people. All of us should care about these young people. It is critically important that we care about our young people…and to help them to get on the straight and narrow. And what this bill does, it gives those who are in possession of illicit arms and ammunition…it gives you a chance, really, of starting afresh and anew. We want to give people a real second chance,” Dr. Drew said.

The Firearms Act was amended last on 9th May, 2024 to increase the penalties for the possession, use and importation of gun related crimes to a maximum of 40 years. Fines were likewise increased to a maximum of EC$500,000.00.

During last week’s parliamentary sessions, however, Prime Minister Drew announced that a no questions asked gun amnesty would come into effect on 10th May, 2024. During the amnesty, people in possession of illegal guns and ammunition can surrender them anonymously to the police or to any attorney without fear of prosecution. 

“This will lead to saving lives,” said Dr. Drew. “You must support that young people should be given a chance.

The gun amnesty ends on 25th May, 2024. 


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