SKNLP & Labour Union celebrate fallen comrades in Requiem Service

There was standing room only at the St. John’s Anglican Church on Sunday as scores of St. Kitts Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) and St. Kitts and Nevis Trades and Labour Union (SKNT&LU) members joined to both worship and reflect on the contributions of its departed members to their country.

Leader of the SKNLP, Dr. Terrance Drew noted the importance of recognising the contributions of those who have passed away as they laid the foundation for the privileges enjoyed by future generations.

He also emphasised the importance of celebrating the contributions of those who have rendered outstanding service in their own lifetime.

“We have a common history coming from a people, coming from fathers and mothers who were part of a movement that was greater than them, fighting in the vineyard knowing that they would not enjoy the fruits of what they fought for but that the generations that come after would enjoy it, and that is what the St. Kitts Nevis Labour Party is about” said Dr. Drew. 

“We must never, ever forget the generations that are gone, but…even the comrades among us, we must always, always remember them because nothing can be done without the people and nothing can be done effectively without the movement of the people,” he continued.

Dr. Drew also recognised the importance of the clergy in providing sobering and unbiased advice to the political leadership of their country. 

“From time to time, leaders like us, we need reminders. We need you to remind us, whether it’s by words or by example…and I’m sure those that went before us as leaders they needed their reminders as well, and the rank and file of the party reminded them as well, so that together we can build,” said Dr. Drew. 

He said this system of cooperation along with checks and balances to ensure accountability were essential to nation building.

Prime Minister Drew was accompanied by his wife, Diani Prince-Drew, whom he formally introduced the the membership of the party at the 92nd SKNLP Conference 19th May, 2024. 

Also present were members of the Federal Cabinet, the SKNLP and SKNT&LU executive and senior diplomats.

The sermon was delivered by Archdeacon Isiah Phillip.

The Requiem Service was celebrated under the theme, Live, Work, Prosper: Together!”   


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