Cane Garden man receives lengthy sentence for 2021 murder

High Court Judge, His Lordship Patrick Thompson Jr., on Wednesday sentenced Patrick Howell Jr. of Cane Garden, Nevis to spend the next 34 and a half years of his life behind bars for his role in a 2021 homicide. 

Howell was charged on 16th July, 2021 with participating in the robbery and larceny of Travis Clarke. The encounter ended with Clarke, 36 at the time of the incident, losing his life at the hands of the now 29-year-old Howell. 

In addition to his sentence for Clarke’s murder, Judge Thompson also sentenced Howell to serve two years on the larceny charge and nine years on the robbery charge. 

These sentences will run concurrently to the murder sentence. 

Back in 2021, the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force indicated that Clarke was attacked by an armed assailant as he sat outside a residence at Happy Hill Drive. Clarke, who tried to escape, was pursued by his attacker who opened fire on him. 

Clarke, who was shot several times, collapsed in the road as he tried to flee. He was later pronounced dead at the scene.

The victim’s attacker made his escape in a vehicle which was later found abandoned at Indian Castle. 

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