SKN gov’t making significant strides toward developing a robust Digital Services Network

Following the launch of the St. Kitts and Nevis Internet Exchange Point (SKNIX) in September 2023, the Department of Technology hosted a series of collaborative workshops with ArkiTechs Inc, IT consultants, and MCNET Solution at the National ICT Centre, C. A. Paul Industrial Site from 17th to 27th June 2024.

The team from ArkiTechs led by Mr. Stephen Lee conducted significant sessions with core IT stakeholders from various government agencies including the Accountant General’s Department, Ministry of National Security, and the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force.

Significant strides have been made in shaping the Digital Services Network (DSN) for the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis (GoSKN). These sessions were instrumental in gathering critical information and designing a robust and secure digital infrastructure that will serve the
nation for years to come.

The workshops successfully mapped out the current GoSKN site connections, providing a comprehensive understanding of the existing digital landscape. This foundational step is crucial for the effective design and implementation of the DSN. Collaboration was a key theme, with the Department of Technology, Accountant General’s Department, Ministry of National Security, and the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, and Security services working together to chart
the path forward for the DSN architecture. This joint effort ensures that all stakeholders are aligned and that the DSN will meet the needs of all government departments.

A detailed map for DSN hub connectivity was established, outlining the initial number of hubs and sites required for secure and effective functionality. This map is a critical component in ensuring that the DSN is both scalable and resilient. The new DSN architecture has provided clarity on the correct process flow leading to a go live. This clarity is essential for a smooth transition and successful implementation of the DSN.

There was a clear understanding of the path forward, with a strong emphasis on employing best practices across all departments. Ensuring that each department takes ownership of their role in the DSN is vital for the network’s overall success.

MCNET Solutions has completed configurations on SKNIX ICT Infrastructure that has enabled the advancement of SKNIX, which now supports IPv6. So far, the IPv6 adoption went from 0 to 1.3 percent since the deployment of SKNIX, which is a significant milestone. Packet Clearing House (PCH) has peered at SKNIX which enables peering with local service providers.

The Department of Technology is preparing for its next phase of the Digital Services Network. The DSN aims to revamp the current Government Wide Area Network(GWAN) structure into a fully shared and departmental-controlled network. St. Kitts and Nevis is striving to become a digital economy. The DSN will be the cornerstone of this transformation to support the increase in the delivery of government digital services.

These workshops have laid a strong foundation for the first phase of the Digital Services Network, highlighting the progressive steps being made towards the development of the national critical infrastructure, building resilience and digital independence. In keeping with the digital transformation this project will enhance the government wide area network with increased internet connectivity and network security at its core. 

Additional sessions are due to be scheduled as the project will transition to the Digital Services Network phase which is a key pillar for the advancement of the government’s digital transformation agenda.

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