Hypocrisy of PLP Leader Dr. Timothy Harris Exposed in Healthcare Criticism

In a blatant display of hypocrisy, People’s Labour Party (PLP) Leader Dr. Timothy Harris has criticised Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew’s healthcare strategy, conveniently ignoring his own seven-year tenure as prime minister, during which he did little to address the urgent needs of healthcare in St. Kitts and Nevis. Dr. Harris’ Unity coalition government failed to make any meaningful improvements to the healthcare system, leaving a legacy of neglect that the Drew-led administration has since been working diligently to reverse.

During Dr. Harris’ time in office, the conditions at the Joseph N. France General Hospital and other health facilities in the Federation were neglected. Despite numerous calls for action, his government resisted providing essential resources to modernise the system. Notably, Dr. Harris failed to purchase vital medical equipment, including new MRI equipment, which is a critical tool for diagnosing and treating a range of conditions. The healthcare system remained under-equipped to meet the needs of the population.

Dr. Harris’ leadership also saw a shocking disregard for the welfare of healthcare workers. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses worked tirelessly on the front lines, risking their lives to protect the people of St. Kitts and Nevis. Yet, his government resisted giving these healthcare heroes a fair honorarium for their service, further exemplifying his lack of commitment to improving the lives of both patients and medical professionals.

Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew’s government, however, has taken significant strides in addressing the healthcare crisis that Harris left behind. The Drew administration has sourced a new MRI machine, and construction is already underway for a dedicated facility to house the unit at the Joseph N. France Hospital. The MRI unit is expected to be operational by the end of the first quarter of 2025, marking a key step in providing residents with the advanced medical care they deserve. 

“The MRI building is progressing very well. They are at roof height now, and I think within a few months it will be completed, and the MRI will be installed at JNF,” Prime Minister Drew announced during a tour of the construction site in October 2024.

In addition to the MRI facility, Prime Minister Drew has also confirmed the procurement of a 128-slice computed tomography (CT) scan machine equipped with an injector for diagnosing cardiac disease. This cutting-edge machine will significantly enhance the island’s diagnostic capabilities. 

“I have told them that I want that CT scan to be installed and commissioned before Christmas, and so we are pushing towards that,” Dr. Drew said. “We are now upgrading the electrical [system] for the CT scan because it is a very advanced machine. Nevis has one, but ours has an injector to do cardiac imaging so that we can offer more services to our people.”

It is ironic that Dr. Harris, whose government had no plans within the Ministry of Health to address these critical deficiencies, now feels entitled to criticise the very reforms that are putting the healthcare system back on track. His failure to act during his time as prime minister left the country’s healthcare infrastructure woefully inadequate, and it has taken the Drew-led government considerable time and effort to formulate and implement a comprehensive strategy to fix the years of neglect.

Among these reforms is the ambitious plan to construct a new, climate-smart, state-of-the-art Joseph N. France Hospital, which will stand as a symbol of the Drew government’s commitment to providing modern, world-class healthcare for the people of St. Kitts and Nevis.

Dr. Harris’ criticisms ring hollow when viewed against the backdrop of his own inaction. As Prime Minister Drew and his team continue to push forward with tangible improvements, it is clear that the future of healthcare in St. Kitts and Nevis is finally being prioritised — something that Dr. Harris failed to do during his years in office.

Photo: Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew toured the new MRI building at the JNF Hospital earlier this month. The building will be commissioned in the first quarter of 2025. (Credit: SKNIS)

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