Ministry of Health rolls out healthcare ICT Network

After a year of rigorous work, the Ministry of Health has successfully connected the nation’s thirteen medical institutions to a “ high-speed,  high-bandwidth secure network” which is expected to revolutionise the country’s healthcare services. 

This was announced at a recent ceremony to hand over the ICT Network project to the Ministry of Health. 

The project was a collaborative effort between project’s contractor, The Cable, and the National Telecommunication Regulatory  Commission (NTRC) through their Universal Service Fund (USF).

According to a government statement, “The newly established network will significantly enhance healthcare services in St. Kitts and  Nevis, enabling cutting-edge features such as telemedicine, the installation of a Hospital Digital  Record (HDR) software, and other modern amenities, that will elevate the level of care available  to residents and citizens.

“The ICT Network Project was funded to the amount of $3.3 million, reflecting the significant  investment in the future of healthcare in St. Kitts and Nevis. The Ministry of Health extends its  deepest gratitude to The Cable and the NTRC for their unwavering support and commitment to  improving healthcare services in the Federation.”

Health minister, Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew, who was present at the roll out said, “This advanced network is a game-changer for our healthcare  system. It will allow us to provide timely and efficient care, especially for those in remote areas.  The integration of telemedicine and digital health records will ensure that our citizens receive the  highest standard of care, regardless of their location.” 

During a demonstration of how the network will enhance healthcare services across the nation, a patient at the Cayon Health Centre reported their symptoms to a nurse who was able to immediately  contact a specialist physician at the Joseph N. France General Hospital for a consultation via an on-network  video call. The demonstration highlighted the potential of the new network to improve patient  care and streamline medical consultations.

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