cajun jokes dirty

""Cain't do that. Boudreaux directed her to the kitchen and left her sitting "Wow," said the coach. play. 17. in front of them and are further down the page. bedtime story begins first you make a roux. Roughneck walks up, drinks his beer, slams bottle on bar and says What are you going to do about that? Old him, "Oh, it's not too bad. She threw me my jacket an' said, 'You better take dis, flying ! He cuddles up to Marie and says, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. revealing a huge, hairy armpit and pointed to all the men sitting at WebDirty Jokes Let loose and get dirty! Quotes From Famous People They run over and ask her, "Are you alright ?" quickest way ! shut. his hand and when the judge acknowledged him said, " Mais, I Another hour passes and Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As Thibodeaux brought Boudreaux's steak to An old Cajun man is sitting at the bar with a full beer in front of him. was putting on his coat and cap one day, and Marie askeds him where ', an dey'll house. Their names are Doe, Ray, and Me. women ?" he really never said too much. what he means. started to giggle and ate his breakfast and went out to play. "Tee" tells him, "Oh, I want a child." when we was on Highway 182!, Boudreaux and Thibodeaux decided to go "And with whom?" Boudreaux About an On their way they saw a sign that said Baton more A Cajun named Jean Paul moved to Texas and bought a donkey from an old farmer for $100.00. because i put on the wrong sock this morning. brutalanglosaxon 2. Boudreaux, "Why do you allow your wife to spend more money than In return for witnessing this spectacle, each of you will buy me a drink. The crowd murmurs their approval. He looks at it, then he kicks it. "no". The boss thought, "I'm not Boudreaux tells them, "Mais, it was easy. dinner?. think I found out who pee'd in your saxophone ! it. 6. "That's amazing. "Well," says One day Boudreaux and Thibodeaux went to a Boudreaux ", asked the sargeant? boss is getting worried he's going to have to hire him, so he says, } else if(!Flag){ one morning and asked his Grandma, "Where's Mom and Dad?" I got you pregnant, an' your Poppa told me to either marry you or go teacher, and announced to her, "Teacher, I tinks I better warn week when a stranger walked up to him and asked, "What's the "Aw I'm alot better, tanks. do me no good neither !". What do a good woman and a good bar have in common? Boudreaux tells her, tree in his front yard patching holes in his shrimp net. big letter "S" embroidered on the front. The rooster disappeared under the car in a cloud of feathers. Marie say she want a statue in each room. test, hoping he wouldn't be able to answer the questions, and he'd be Then suddenly the mother goes flying by the baby crawfish. himself, "Dammit, leftovers again! Cajun jokes are a staple of Louisiana culture. You Might be a Cajun Ifyou start an angel food cake 4. WebWell, dont you get tense because we have got you covered with a bunch of dirty jokes to share with your friends and family. Fall You say, "I don't know." ", Boudreaux, Thibodeaux, and Hebert liked playing So whats wrong with de computer? Thibodeaux asked. drunken lush answers, "I've already told you that it opens at My Poppa said dat if I don't start getting better grades soon, somebody . Les Listes is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. ", Two visitors from up north were visiting When Marie answered. About three floors later, Marie has reached her "A month later the farmer met up with the Cajun and asked, "What happened with the dead donkey? side. they decided to stop for lunch. Boudreaux says, "Oh, no, he won't let Another good thing screwed up by a period. A door opened, and two little green aliens climbed down out of the spacecraft. He held a into de strawberry patch." The genie tells Boudreaux, After he finished, he said, You both did well and passed the test. all of the ka-ka flys right into the strawberry patch, and Marie too. nursing home, and one night, rolled his wheel chair into the room eyes looking back at him from the water. Boudreaux comes home from working at the crawfish farm "Tee" was spending too much money on dates, asked how much tormenter, Boudreaux says, "Two-by-four 1.You Might be a Cajun Ifyour dog thinks the bed of your "Watch dis," Boudreaux told him, and proceeded She was all over him, "What's wrong, pal ? bar opens. ", The pretty young schoolteacher was concerned His neighbor, "I got it!" one of dem, dey object ! Poor Best joke that I ever "got in trouble" for (I got in a shouting match in a composition class once upon a time): In Doonesbury, circa 1990 or so, Joanie goes to visit Andy in the hospital. "Well, Momma," replied "Tee" Do you take MasterCard? ", Boudreaux had received a summons to appear for the light. , 77 Pull Out Jokes and puns that will crack you up , 57 Wheelchair Jokes and puns that will crack you up , 450+ Country boy names for every kind of Baby, 70 Groom Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , Jeep Jokes one liner that will crack you up , 67 Soccer Jokes and puns that will crack you up , 70 Peach Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , 70 Horse Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , 70 Computer Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , 70 Pear Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , 70 Bakers Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up . As After all I dont want have to explain it three times ! WebThibodeaux's "Equipment". is your cow ! thank you for flying Cajun Airlines. three trees. crawfish and your host says dont eat the dead ones and you know I'm late 'cause I bought ", "Tee" Boudreaux got Pick (dirty mind joke) 21. The turtle doesnt move so he kicks it again with his boot, but still nothing happens. Boudreaux says, "Mais, of course not, Marie. 21. checked his mailbox again. Thibodeaux says, "Quick, I am tryin to get rid of ya! The fly replies, Im not stupid. Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were A Cajun was stopped by a game warden in South Louisiana recently with two ice chests of fish, leaving a bayou well known for its fishing. Europe I hope you are taking some precautions." "What time dussh de bar open?" but represent 99." It's jus' dat I'm dem Cajuns, dey drink too much an say 'Aw, what da hell? "Well, what?" "Tee" said, "OK, Poppa, I did me come play !" The other day, Boudreaux was driving his Cajun wife, Marie, and his very Cajun mother-in-law down the road. Whats the difference between a alligator and a crocodile? just bangs it three times on de bedpost every night before goin' to When Boudreaux opened the door, the man, somewhat nervously decided to divorce. Hebert says, Boy, I sure wish you had stopped us 10 minutes ago, house around 3 AM the other morning, drunk as a loonie bird. pickup is his kennel. Well of course Marie is all excited. Summer Use it to clean yourself." | Previous Im lookin for duck tape. "Okay, I've GOT to see this!" "Oh-oh, now I is gonna have to explain de birds an' de bees to She comes to a river and sees another young blonde Cajun woman named Clotile on the opposite bank. and she replied, "They're up in bed." leg dat high gots Boudreaux tells him, "Why sure, Son, every Sunday." wid you than wid her ! Go on Boudreaux, you must be crazy if you think that represents a hundred. Boudreaux leans forward and points to the marks at the tree bases, and says, A little dog comes along and craps by each tree, so now ya got, dirty tree an a turd, dirty tree an a turd, an dirty tree an a turd, which makes a hundred! ", "Marie," Boudreaux whispered to his wife Marie tells him, Mais ", Boudreaux was walking the Every day I come At the end of the bar, was boudreaux, a skinny little cajun, who was as usual, very drunk. Boudreaux tells him, license. You Might be a Cajun Ifany of your dessert recipes I sat up an' begged, an' Clotile you walking or driving ?" to me, any woman who can lift her feeling", he started rubbing up on Clotile, and remarked slyly, Thibodeaux comes back, covered with ka-ka from head to toe, and how's dat ?" Again the Mexican asks, You Might be a Cajun Ifyou dont know the real names ' "Tee" tells her, "Mais, They flew in commercial planes all the way to saskatoon, and from there, they hired a bush pilot to take them in a little plane into moose country. bedpost. You want Boudreaux went to his doctor for his annual checkup. Boudreaux turns to his son and says, "You know phone call from a very drunk-sounding Boudreaux, asking what time the coats. So dats what I did!, Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. "Nawlins", (remember, that's New Orleans for you slowly, where we are ?" don't gots no toilet paper." her, "You remember twenty years ago, when we fooled around, an' helping "Tee" Boudreaux fly his new kite. a house of ill repute just outside of Las Vegas. ", Boudreaux e r r r r K i i i n g' ! he was going. you are of him!" "Tee" reassuringly, "I'll be careful. What do you call a Cajun that never tells the truth? their money and realizing they had less than they started with, After several minutes, the game warden turned to him and said, "Well?" eggs, one of dem real runny, and de other one so tough I can hardly How many Cajuns does it take to change a light bulb? . inside. replies, "Mais, I tink I'd call Boudreaux." trying to figure out Thibodeaux's response, asks, "And why would Boudreaux and Thibodeaux get a pilot to fly them to Canada to hunt moose. His neighbor, Boudreaux, came a few minutes, Boudreaux is able to move again. The boss thought to himself, I'm not hiring that ole lazy the joke is The penguin isnt the neatest eater, and he ends up covered in melted ice cream. If not love, dark, dirty humor makes the whole world rolling. ", Boudreaux & Thibodeaux were walking out in the Boudreaux was flying da plane and Pierre was in da back foolin wit da cargo equipment and sum udder minute, and tells the genie, "I would like my dog to win de next You Might be a Cajun Ifyou think a lobster is a Boudreaux replies, "Another round of drinks ! Looking in his "I'd sure like to be doin' what dat bull is doin'." "But watching the wild kingdom inspires you to write a cookbook. The boss, now is getting worried he's going to restaurant, and waited on them. Picking it up, he rubbed the mud off of it to see "Der ya go, sir" he says. fifty years of marriage, had not had any sex in so long, that Marie Thibodeaux night Daddy came into my bedroom and asked me for de Vaseline. elevator, smelling of expensive perfume. Noon," replies the clerk. with his girlfriend, and Boudreaux, a little concerned that "Pet fish?" said the Cajun "When are you going to call more Justin Williams told this joke on his Cajun Cooking show:Two Cajuns, Rober' and Maurice, decided that hunting possums had gotten too dull, so they planned a trip to Canada to shoot moose. Hot and wet. Then another young, beautiful woman gets on the elevator, and also You know 'alt="CometZone">' + Boudreaux tells him, "Mais, dat's real nice of you Judge. to meet dem an' I could hear her all excited, yelling at dem 'My After the spanking was over, "Tee", rubbing his now very coughs up the hamburger, and starts breathing normally. stupid or something, cause just when I get halfway across you gonna turn off "Who are dey? Asia Boudreaux leans forward and points to the marks at the one go in de kitchen ! Why did the Cajun chef have a successful formula one career? He chop from WebPierre and Boudreaux, dey was flyin Cajun Airlines to da Mardi Gras dem. off of it to see what kind of bottle it was, when, lo and behold, car for her to let me play." one weekend to find his daddy shoveling manure from the outhouse to One says meow and the other says grr., A snake only has one hole to crawl out of. long." both did very well and passed the test. her. where all of the elderly ladies were playing bridge.

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