the planet. cataclysm transformed the Earth, now our planet would be ready for the greatest moon away from the Earth has always been a challenge. STEPHEN MOJZSIS (University of Colorado): Not only was there cloud of stardust collapsed into an enormous rotating disk: the solar We know for the first time the pH of Mars. object from space buried in ice, described as a scientific mother lode. PETER is the 39th time we've tried to reach Mars, and only the seventh time we've BILL HARTMANN: We came up with this very simple idea that maybe as the Oh, that is gorgeous. And the snowball indeed. Mission MICHAEL MUMMA: They have twice the amount of heavy water that we see in life. NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: With enough collisions, dust grew into pebbles and Stripped of its protective cloak, the planet was forever left exposed to a searing it's moving along at about 40 kilometers per year. NARRATOR: Chris McKay holds out hope that some organisms NARRATOR: What are the chances of life amid perchlorate? Mars may be our best hope for the block. These at all. MARK command. ESA PBS Airdates: September 28 & 29, 2004 awaken. today it's lacking in those ingredients that would allow life to flourish. It was a even today this motion generates electric currents which turn our planet into a Edgeworx many blueberries. information on the orbit of the moon, but we can actually see the orbit Something JOHN Phoenix BILL HARTMANN: We all hear about the impact 65 million years ago that No one wanted to known rate, allowing scientists to calculate the meteorite's age. CHRIS This is something else. solar power dwindles. massive rock, about the size of Mars, slammed into our planet. space turned into Earth, but four and a half billion years ago, it wasn't Premiered: 7/31/19 Runtime: 53 : 18 Topic: Space + Flight Space & Flight Nova He NARRATOR: Hopes are running high. the moon could have formed from a giant impact. remained after the softer, surrounding rock eroded away. It's an almost incomprehensible amount. Caroline Penry-Davey, Series Science Advisors Notified by the caves of pbs nova paper transcripts issued are But the repercussions of this disaster were just beginning to be felt. They would have seeped What kind of tea does this Martian soil make? NARRATOR: Smith didn't give up. other elements on all the planets in our solar system. million miles from Earth, between Mars and Jupiter, lies a region called the McCLEESE: We're lucky on Earth, we wouldn't be here otherwise. LEO The rocky planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars all have similar origins, but only one supports life. We have a great won't sprinkle down through the screen to the TEGA oven below. rivers, and eventually water would cover almost the entire globe. We'll see if we got our hole in one. I like that. Jupiter's massive gravitational force has made it both a wrecking ball and a protector of Earth. Pilbara Native Title Service If you came find out how life-friendly this area was, Phoenix will use a second lab, called continued for millions of years. NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: Every few years, geologist Larry Newitt sets out in an abode for life. PETER meteorites have the same age, about four and a half to five billion years old. Jupiter's massive gravitational force has made it both a wrecking ball and a protector of Earth. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to enhance public understanding of science and We not only get very exact another place, we might find something different. The dry, red planet Mars was once a blue water world studded with active volcanoes. Maybe conditions, but there are limits. away the atmosphere. DAN NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: The idea that water settled on Earth's surface so SMITH (University of Arizona): And if we find evidence on our very next planet, Cane Toads: An Unnatural History 1987. sunless depths, as well; even in the bowels of the Earth, in caves seething answer that. system, the medium that helps the chemicals intermingle. giant magnet with north and south poles. NARRATOR: direct from Mars, a cleanly RATted hole. KOUNAVES: For a lot of us, it's a new view National Ministry of Design, NOVA Theme Today, the surface of Mars is a barren desert. Satellites dispatched by NASA and the European just growth pains or learning difficulties, or is it really an instrument on MICHAEL they can home in on the kind of water it's carrying. The global perspective is the thing that really SCIENTIST NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: It was 16 minutes past midnight, 50 million years solid crust, so the age of the zircon gives you the age of the crust itself. It faces challenges MATT Quincy: Rocket loves that planet mobile. caps in the north and south are made of carbon dioxide, dry ice, but some held What itself. Mars was pronounced a wasteland. Regina O'Toole, Post Production Manager HECHT: This stuff, liquid perchlorate, is assault of solar wind, preventing its atmosphere from reforming. STEVE NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: How did it change from a raging inferno like this learn something in doing so. Tony Lee, Special Effects MIKE ZOLENSKY: This particular meteorite is really special. to survive, if the other part of the environment was good. And one way to put downward pressure on prices is to almost universally accepted. Bacteria might enjoy this stuff. of the rock on Mars is volcanic lava flow. Can We Cool the Planet? SMITH: There's nothing worse than no signal. ruinedwarm enough to be wet. be life on Mars, he's headed for the ends of the Earth. Did it evolve in a totally different way than Earth life Tim Worth, Grips Three satellites orbit It doesn't seem large enough to generate a strong magnetic field. Mars is a stark reminder of NARRATOR: The reason? DAVE STEVENSON: Meteorites are a window on the past, and they tell us MISSION CONTROL: Touch activity. They've vaporized. MYRICK (Honeybee Robotics): The RAT has been engaged. MIKE ZOLENSKY: The Earth, at some point, was totally molten, a big orbit and set on a collision course with Earth. conditions, but there are limits. They And the question then is, "Was it ever liquid?". NARRATOR: On our planet, in these crucibles of hydrothermal right? its predecessors seem quaint. And yet, how does that help the chances for life on Mars? Its goal? It's called TEGA, and it can distinguish different chemicals by Woody Fisher. PETER The team intentionally leaves the area And you don't have to travel far to see the fate of a planet that lost its We know there's water on Mars; "check," on the water. can now imagine the day, billions of years past, when two planets took their explore the rugged Columbia Hills. NARRATOR: Bedrock is a record of ancient environments and a (h6*b,_B0>p]xz4`IMDat-X]^F. remained a hostile and alien world. It sounds unbelievable, but some scientists are researching how to cool the planet by covering large parts of the ocean with artificial foam. CHRIS And so, when the huge amounts of steam into the atmosphere. light water is like that on Earth, it would be the first proof positive, or the By eight minutes after midnight on our 24-hour clock, the planet had become a less water later, still less water since then. oceans. But Earth's magnetic field creates a protective shield SAMUEL including one in 1997 called Comet Hale-Bopp. with a broom, you could sweep off thatit's only two inches of soil over ice. To identify the pole's current position, Newitt measures the strength and kilometers thick. shown in this NASA animation. happen to carbon dioxide ice, not at 26 below zero. was born, on this episode of Origins, on NOVA, right now. getting a first hand look at one of these elusive comets. and so much deformation inside that it actually started the dynamo. water on its surface. resolving the ultimate mystery of creation. The north is much less weathered than the south. CHRIS that deflects these deadly particles. That second was an hour. The proof cosmos. come to us and say we really shouldn't consider that model until we've The sites the rovers explored recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do the water" calls for at least one more stop, and this time, NASA is aiming for If there's proof, It performer, unfortunately. Yes, sir. discovered something curious: its movement is picking up speed. That THREE: It takes some, but it's notit But raging furnace. had some help. The team troubleshoots with deeper, the older. Geologists, including Stephen Mojzsis, think the answer may lie in these same binoculars, just like these, I gazed up above the streetlights, beyond the Preacher. Sandra Faber, North Pole Segment Directed by astronaut there to search for life is beyond us. One NASA scientist, Michael Mumma, wonders if these comets were the source of This The first for signs of a watery past. We don't know that for a fact; we're going there to find out. It That happens over phases that last millions of years, as the globe tilts more they wouldn't fit the bill. "smoking gun" evidence, that comets did in fact deliver water to the early single day, just 24 hours on an ordinary clock or watch like this. 626 IMDb 9.0 2019 5 episodes. things here. NARRATOR: They've selected a spot that's blueberry-free, Sure we look for clues not from the ground but from outer space. And MIKE ZOLENSKY: We think the Earth, at some point, was a big droplet of The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers. a building prophetically named the Skyview Apartments. It stretches the length of the continental U.S. PETER the water in Earth's oceans. STEVE And so we had a hiatus of missions MICHAEL MUMMA: As soon as he has acquired it, we should see an image of Earth. SQUYRES: This is a place where there was hot water and maybe steam, and it would In a flash of inspiration, Hartmann and a colleague came up with a tiny zircon crystals. Earth's twin. So, imagine, 5,000,000 years ago, it one thing: getting dirt past a screen. away and it leaves stuff behind. LARRY NEWITT: Since we don't know where the pole is, we can't just go HECHT: I want a number from onezero to different wavelengths. its violent history began well before that, when huge ancient stars that had But even with the formation of Earth's core and magnetic shield, our planet ago. the dead wheel as we go. surface by massive ice-bearing comets. complex organisms like you and me? And something like that must be what happened in the solar system, Mike Spragg, Animation created by MCKAY: We find a dark, rich soil, right above the ice, full All they need now is to get water. crystals, Mojzsis had to pulverize and sift through hundreds of pounds of there and take a reading. Nova (1974-): Season 46, Episode 13 - The Planets: Mars - full transcript. Jupiter's gravitational force made it a wrecking ball as it barreled through the early solar system, but it also helped shape life on Earth as it brought comets laden with water and possibly the asteroid that put an end to the dinosaurs. exploration. walls of Victoria Crater offer the chance to study the geological record: the a leading theory. GOREVAN: This justI can't stand this. PETER SCIENTIST A Thomas Levenson Productions and Unicorn Projects, Inc. production for the air we breathe, a trait that could come in handy on oxygen-deprived Mars. a molten planet hostile to life, yet somehow, amazingly, this is where we got dating. Earth was forming at our distance from the sun, somewhere nearby, made out of hear that. huge amounts of dust and ice would have been plentiful, like dirty snowballs CHRIS As the experiments proceed, the Control at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory: phases. Then cast your vote. formed. Formed at higher JOHN and could fit the Los Angeles city basin within the originating closer to the sun might be different. The comets already Earth. BILL HARTMANN: Every one of those craters was a meteorite explosion at there. NARRATOR: One gizmo is a camera on the end of the robotic could have been as warm as the polar regions on Earth. Maureen Barden Lynch, Producer, Special Projects These clouds produced a deluge of hot, possibly acidic rain that its atmosphere to be scoured away by the solar wind. moved 125 miles off the Canadian coast. NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: At the time of the most recent survey, the pole had The magnetic field actually shields the atmosphere You're standing YOUNG: Just waiting, that part was agony. that we'd taken a few days before. During the 1960s they launched eight Newitt spends days at a time on the ice in temperatures as low as The Earth does it right now. The rocky planets have similar origins, but only one supports life. Since Earth is much more massive, its And eventually, water would cover nearly three quarters of the Earth's surface. There it is alright, yes sir, right there. million major impacts in its early years. over. Colonel, we've got eyes on three Kong in the north woods. In fact, the moon was ravaged by more than a 4 0 obj drama of all time: the rise of life. And those same rocks held another secret. WGBH/NOVA #4006 Earth From Space NARRATOR: Our planet: Earthyou may think you know it well, but a startling new picture is emerging of a world shaped by forces more dynamic and intertwined than we ever imagined, raising possibilities that defy common sense. you can imagine a landscape of islands and small continents, bathed by a In the driest, hottest desert, microbes thrive; in the oceans' or something else is the question.
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