Nursing Assistants Appointed As Registered Nurses: A Triumph for Cuba-Trained Nurses under The Dr. Drew Led Administration

Basseterre, St. Kitts, (SKNSOURCE) — In a groundbreaking move, Cuban trained nurses who
were initially given Nursing Assistant positions, have finally been appointed Registered Nurses
under the leadership of Prime Minister and Minister with responsibility for Health Hon. Dr.
Terrance Drew.
In spite of years of neglect and bureaucratic red tape under the opposition party, these
healthcare professionals have persevered in pursuit of recognition for their expertise.
After returning from the Republic of Cuba in 2013, they were advised by the Nursing Association
to seek additional training. Motivated by their passion for nursing and determination to excel,
these have now obtained Bachelor Degrees.
Dr. Drew said, “You journeyed to Cuba; I journeyed to Cuba. You spent the first few years in
Cuba on a government scholarship, a collaboration between St. Kitts and Nevis and Cuba.
When you came back, you were told you needed more training, and you went back and
sacrificed more and achieved a bachelor’s degree.
After finding themselves trapped in limbo, ignored by the opposition that took a dismissive
stance towards their aspirations these recent appointments to Registered Nurse positions
signifies a long-awaited triumph for these individuals under the current administration.
While the nurses were dedicating themselves to acquiring advanced qualifications, their efforts
were met with indifference from the previous government. Despite their unwavering show of
determination and contributions to the healthcare system, their concerns and aspirations
remained unaddressed,
Director of Health Institutions Dr. Jenson Morton is of the view that the nurses were being
marginalized, their talents and capabilities were left untapped.
“I have seen a few of these nurses work and I must say they have demonstrated
professionalism and know how. I have seen some of these nurses in charge of different wards
and have carried out the task exceptionally,” Dr. Morton boasted.
He added that this disregard was a clear indicator of the opposition’s failure to recognize and
utilize the potential of these trained healthcare professionals.
“This disregard was seen when during the Covid pandemic Cuban trained nurses were brought
in by the opposition to assist, these nurses had gone through the same training in Cuba as the
nurses we had here they were just pushed aside,” Dr. Morton said

The appointment of the nurses under Dr. Drew’s administration is a significant milestone in the
recognition of their expertise and commitment to healthcare. Their journey though marred by
years of setbacks has finally resulted in the acknowledgement they so rightfully deserve. Their
appointment underlines the importance of valuing and harnessing the potential of trained
healthcare professionals in pursuit of the nation’s well-being.
The appointment ceremony was held at the JNF General Hospital Conference Room on August
29th and was attended by Prime Minister and Minister of Health, the Honourable Dr. Terrance
Drew, as well as senior officials in the Ministry of Health.

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