National Assembly to convene on Thursday

The National Assembly will convene on Thursday during which six Bills will receive their first reading. Two others on the agenda are up for their second reading. 

Prime Minister and Minister responsible for Finance, National Security, Citizenship and Immigration, Health and Social Security, Dr. Terrance Drew, will seek leave to introduce and have read for a first time the Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2024, Virtual Asset (Amendment) Bill, 2024, and Non-Government Organisations (Amendment) Bill, 2024.  

Minister responsible for Foreign Affairs, International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Economic Development and Investment, Dr. Denzil Douglas, will seek leave to introduce and have read for the first time the Radiation Safety and Security Bill, 2024.

Attorney General and Minister responsible for Justice and Legal Affairs, Garth Wilkin, will seek leave to introduce and have read for the first time the Proceeds of Crime and Asset Recovery (Amendment) Bill, 2024.

Minister responsible for Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Action and Constituency Empowerment, Dr. Joyelle Clarke, will seek leave to introduce and have read for the first time the Community Beautification and Safety Bill, 2024.

Minister responsible for Agriculture, Fisheries, Marine Resources and Cooperatives, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Sports and the Creative Economy, Samal Duggins, will move the second reading of the Animal Health Bill, 2023, and Plant Protection Bill, 2023. These Bills were first read on 18th September, 2023.


The National Assembly will convene at 10am.

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