Grenada’s opposition leader calls for action against rising gun crime

Loop – Leader of the Opposition in Grenada and political leader of the New National Party (NNP), Dr. Keith Micthell, is demanding that the government deal swiftly with the issue of rising gun crime in Grenada.  

His call comes following reports of a fatal shooting in Grand Anse.  

Dr. Mitchell believes gun violence and homicides are escalating rapidly on island. He says the streets which used to be filled with joy and peace of Grenadians, are now scenes of grief and fear.  

Dr. Mitchell, who is a former Prime Minister, says the NNP is deeply concerned about what it views as a serious increase in gun violence that is costing young lives.  

He is accusing the current leadership under the prime minister and the current Minister of National Security of failing to adddrss the situation effectively.  

Dr. Mitchell says the NNP is concerned that the current situation has the potential to negatively affect tourism and even the upcoming carnival period.  

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