PM Drew: Multiple beneficial outcomes for SKN at December Comprehensive Disaster Management conference

From 2nd to 6th December, 2024 St. Kitts and Nevis will host the annual Comprehensive Disaster Management conference put on by the  Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA). 

The announcement was formally made on Tuesday by Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew at CDEMA’s annual hurricane season press conference in St. Kitts. 

According to the prime minister, with climate change posing an increasing threat to the region, the need for the Comprehensive Disaster Management conference has never been more important.

With an unusually active 2024 hurricane season predicted, he  noted that the nation’s “collective strength and preparedness will be our greatest asset in facing the challenges of this hurricane season.” Dr. Drew added that it is critically important that everyone residing in the federation “develop and maintain emergency plans and stock essential supplies to mitigate the risks posed by hurricanes.”

“CDM is an integrated and proactive approach to disaster management and seeks to reduce the risk and loss associated with natural and technological hazards and the effects of climate change, to enhance sustainable development in St. Kitts-Nevis and the region.

“We are mindful that the CDM approach empowers us to treat all hazards, not just hurricane impacts, throughout all phases of the disaster management cycle – in mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. It also involves everyone – our general population, civil society, the public & private sector, working together, to reduce and manage risks, so that people can thrive, and our development ambitions are realised,” said Prime Minister Drew.

He continued that St. Kitts and Nevis stands to gain tremendously from hosting the CDM conference this December. With hundreds of the world’s leading academics  and experts in disaster management gathered on island, Dr. Drew said the country’s “commitment to effective disaster risk management and our dedication to building a safer, more resilient future” would take centre stage alongside its tourism product. 

Dr. Drew also highlighted the timeliness and importance of the theme of the conference, CDM: The Road to Resilience Check Point 2024 – Levelling Up for a Dynamic Future.

“Under this theme, this pivotal conference provides a comprehensive framework for strategic planning and action in the Caribbean region. By fostering dialogue, collaboration, and innovation, the conference aims to enhance disaster resilience and pave the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future for all,” said Dr. Drew. 

“At the heart of this theme lies the recognition that we cannot afford to remain stagnant in the face of uncertainty. Instead, we must harness the forces of change to propel us forward—to level up our skills, our institutions, and our societies to meet the demands of a dynamic future.

“This conference will therefore serve as a platform for dialogue, exchange, and collaboration—a space where ideas are born, partnerships are forged, and solutions are crafted. It provides an invaluable opportunity for stakeholders from across sectors and disciplines to come together, to learn from one another, and to chart a course towards a future defined by resilience, sustainability, and inclusivity.”

Since its inaugural staging in 2006, the CDM conference has become the Caribbean’s largest gathering of professionals and academics in the field of disaster management. It also attracts senior officials from the public and private sectors who have an interest in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.

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